
What vampires should stay away from?

What vampires should stay away from?

Mirrors and Sunlight: “Rabies may also harbor the roots of the vampiric fear of mirrors,” Mark writes. “Strong odors or visual stimuli trigger spasms of the face and vocal muscles of those with rabies, and this in turn induces hoarse groans, bared teeth, and a bloody frothing at the mouth.

How do you get a vampire to come to your house?

In order for a vampiric being to enter any owned house, whether they’re humans, witches, werewolves, or doppelgängers, they must first be invited by the owner. Once invited, the vampire cannot be uninvited unless the ownership of the house changes.

How do you defend against a vampire?

Garlic, Garlic, Garlic: Wear a necklace of strung garlic, which vampires despise. A hearty meal of pasta with garlic sauce and garlic bread will also help to ward them off. A garlic garland on a doorway will prevent a vampire from entering, even if he’s been invited.

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What do vampires do with their eyes?

If he/she were to return to a diet of animal blood, his/her eyes would become dark gold, and a lighter golden color, if they were to continue on animal blood. As a vampire’s thirst grows, his/her eyes grow darker with it, until they at last become a coal black. In contrast, as vampires feed, their eyes become lighter.

Why can’t vampires read Bella’s mind?

Bella’s gift is her very powerful shield – one that has been growing and working without her knowing since she was born. Because of her shield, she is protected from powers of the mind – that means that Edward (and Aro) can’t read her thoughts, Kate can’t shock her, and Jane can’t cause her pain.

Can vampires enter a house without permission?

Vampires cannot on their own enter a house without an invitation because the threshold on a mythological and spiritual level is considered as a kind of magical and protective barrier that gives security to the home. If Vampires try to enter uninvited they will get weaken or even lose their powers.

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Why do werewolves fight vampires?

Vampires have a really strong sense of smell, and werewolves smell like dog and don’t like to take a B-A-T-H. Werewolves hate vampires because the vampires are too cool, and it makes the werewolves feel all gross and awkward. Originally Answered: Why do vampires hate werewolves?