
What was the Jenna thing in PLL?

What was the Jenna thing in PLL?

In the show, The Jenna Thing is a pointed attack at Jenna by Ali. In the books, all five girls see Toby outside the window and Ali seizes the opportunity to prank Toby. In the show, Ali lies to the others about seeing Toby peering into the window.

Is Jenna Good or bad PLL?

One of the top five biggest villains on PLL was Jenna, and she had a good reason to be; a prank gone wrong left her blind, meaning she always wanted to get back at the girls. Therefore, she teamed up with all of their enemies, joined the A team, and remained an antagonist throughout the whole story.

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What is the big secret in pretty little liars?

Inside, the liars discover that Big “A” is named Charlotte DiLaurentis. CeCe/Charlotte reveals herself as “A” and tells her story; saying that she is transgender, was formerly known as Charles DiLaurentis, and became “A” because the Liars were happy that Alison was gone.

Did Toby sleep with Jenna?

Biography. Toby was the second A member to be revealed. Toby was forced to have sex with Jenna in the show. In the book he only had a crush on Emily, in the show they are best friends.

Who is the real villain in PLL?

Alex Drake is considered the deadliest antagonist of the series. As “A.D.”, she blackmailed, stalked and tortured the main characters in an attempt to discover Charlotte Drake’s murderer. The character’s twin storyline pays tribute to Alison and Courtney DiLaurentis, characters of the Pretty Little Liars book series.

Who confesses to kidnapping Alison?

Cyrus admits to kidnapping Alison and holding her hostage. He gave Alison the scar on her thigh.

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Is Ezra A in pretty little liars?

We repeat: Ezra is not “A”— nor has he ever been a member of the A-Team. Ezra was gathering information for a tell-all book about Alison DiLaurentis’ disappearance.

Who does Ezra think A is?

In “A is for Answers”, Ezra gets non-fatally shot in New York by someone dressed as ‘A’, who is later revealed to be Shana. After Ezra recovers, Aria finally realizes from Ezra’s heroism that he does love her and they make up.