
What were shock troops in ww1?

What were shock troops in ww1?

Shock troops are designed to lead an attack from the front with the goal of inflicting heavy enemy casualties and severely damaging defenses. When the dynamic of the battlefield changed with the Great War, it brought with it measures to break the stalemate of trench warfare.

Why are they called shock troops?

“Shock troop” is a loose translation of the German word Stoßtrupp. Military units which contain assault troops are typically organized for mobility with the intention that they will penetrate through enemy defenses and attack into the enemy’s vulnerable rear areas.

What were shock troopers used for?

A Clone shock trooper. Shock troopers were a special type of military personnel used by various organizations throughout the galaxy. They usually served as police or elite soldiers reserved for operations requiring speed and skill.

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What is the shock of the combat?

The acute psychological trauma experienced in combat environments which can lead to combat fatigue.

Are US Marines shock troops?

You can say taht the USMC retains its relevance by the fact that it acts as the tip of the proverbial spear of US military power, whereas the army provides bulk and holds ground as it follows up. In that case yes they are basically the so-called shock troops.

Are space marines shock troops?

Space Marines are shock troops, and in the fluff that normally means they have to come to grips in hand to hand and overcome the enemy face to face. If you want the big guns, you call in the Guard, or the Knights.

Are army Rangers shock troops?

The Rangers are a quick strike force and the best light infantry force in the world. They are sometimes called “shock troops.” The Army has three infantry battalions and one special troop’s battalion forming the 75th Ranger Regiment. The soldiers of the Regiment are highly trained fighters.