
What will be the frequency of the string if we doubled the tension?

What will be the frequency of the string if we doubled the tension?

So , if the tension is doubled, the fundamental frequency would be √2 or 1 .

How is the frequency related to the tension in a string?

Frequency of the wave the shorter the string, the higher the frequency of the fundamental. the higher the tension, the higher the frequency of the fundamental.

What happens to the speed of a wave on a string when the frequency is doubled assume the tension in the string remains the same?

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Doubling the frequency of a wave source (without altering the medium) doubles the speed of the waves. Don’t be fooled. Wave speed may equal frequency*wavelength. Yet doubling the frequency only halves the wavelength; wave speed remains the same.

What happens to frequency when length is halved?

Therefore, if you halve the frequency the wavelength will double.

Is frequency proportional to tension?

The frequency of a string is directly proportional to the square root of its tension, F. This means that with a higher tension, the frequency will also be higher, so if we double the tension, then the frequency is quadrupled.

What happens to the wave speed if the frequency is doubled and the wavelength is quartered?

Wave speed equals frequency*wavelength. So doubling the frequency must halve the wavelength in order for wave speed to remain the same.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave on a string when the frequency is doubled?

If the frequency is doubled, the wavelength is only half as long.

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How does halving the frequency of a wave traveling in a medium change?

both the wavelength and the frequency of the wave. Whenever the medium is the same, the speed of the wave is the same. However, when the medium changes, the speed changes. A doubling of the wavelength results in a halving of the frequency; yet the wave speed is not changed.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave when the frequency of the wave is doubled but the wave speed stays the same?

doubled. Wave speed equals frequency*wavelength. So doubling the frequency must halve the wavelength in order for wave speed to remain the same.