
What would force someone to do something?

What would force someone to do something?

[often passive] to make someone do something that they do not want to do synonym compel force somebody into doing something The President was forced into resigning. force somebody/yourself to do something The President was forced to resign.

What is it called when you are being forced to do something?

Coercion is a common word for being forced against one’s will. to compel or restrain by force or authority without regard to individual wishes or desires; to compel by force or intimidation.

Is it legal for someone to force you to do something?

Most jurisdictions have criminal laws concerning extortion or intimidation, which is generally defined as unlawfully forcing someone to do, or not do, something other than that they would freely choose to do (or not do) on their own.

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How do you force someone?

Forcing someone to do something is like putting physical pressure on them, or pulling or pushing them.

  1. They put pressure on him to go.
  2. I was under a lot of pressure.
  3. I felt very pressured.
  4. She pushed me into agreeing.
  5. He was hauled in by the police for questioning.
  6. They squeezed a confession out of him.

What does to force some one to do something mean *?

To “force” someone to do something means to make them do it. You can use this word somewhat playfully: They forced me to sit there and watch it. Or you can use “force” to talk about something violent and frightening: They forced everyone at gunpoint to hand over their money, phones, and other valuables.

Should I force someone?

Forcing anyone to do anything is never wise. It can be detrimental to someone’s mental health – yours, the other person’s, or both of yours. Even talking to someone is a choice.

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Can you force someone to learn?

No, you can’t force a student to learn, but there are many great methods to encourage students to learn. Teachers who support learning produce individuals who are better educated and more prepared for the future. Using creative teaching methods helps maintain student interest during class.

What does to force someone to do something mean in civics?

Define Coercion. Answer: It means to force someone to do something. It also refers to the force used by a legal authority like state.

Which word is used for forceful push?

Urge is defined as to force or push to stimulate someone to take action. Expedite is defined as to make something happen more quickly.