
What would happen to the earth if the sun suddenly shrunk in size and became a black hole?

What would happen to the earth if the sun suddenly shrunk in size and became a black hole?

What would happen if the Sun suddenly became a black hole without changing its mass? The black hole would quickly suck in the Earth. Earth would gradually spiral into the black hole.

How big is a black hole?

These types of black holes are only a few miles across. Black holes have also been discovered in the centers of some galaxies. These black holes are very large and contain the same amount of material as 100 million or more suns. These types of black holes are several million miles across.

What is the history of the Kelvin scale of temperature?

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History of Kelvin Scale. In 1848, Lord Kelvin defined an absolute temperature scale based on the Carnot cycle which was later named after him as Kelvin’s absolute temperature scale. In Kelvin’s scale, the zero point is 273.15 below that of the Celsius scale. The true origin of the universe, if it had one, remains a mystery for

Is there anything colder than zero kelvin?

The particles cease travelling at zero kelvin minus 273 degrees centigrade and all disturbance disappears. So nothing on the Kelvin scale can be colder than absolute zero. In the laboratory, physicists have now produced an atomic gas that has negative Kelvin values though. What is the unit of Kelvin?

What is the temperature range of a kelvin light bulb?

Kelvin Color Temperatures of 4500– 5000 This temperature range is sometimes called “Daylight” and I would use this color range for your basement or a work area. It is great for a bulb that you use to put on your makeup.

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How much does the tilt of the Earth’s axis change?

But this tilt changes. During a cycle that averages about 40,000 years, the tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. Because this tilt changes, the seasons as we know them can become exaggerated.