
When did assisted passage to Australia end?

When did assisted passage to Australia end?

The assisted passage scheme finally came to an end in 1981, and all immigrants, British or otherwise, had to pay for their own journey to Australia (Appleyard, 1988).

Are 10 pound poms Australian citizens?

Ten Pound Poms (or Ten Pound tourists) is a colloquial term used in Australia and New Zealand to describe British citizens who migrated to Australia and New Zealand after the Second World War. The Commonwealth arranged for assisted passage to Australia on chartered ships and aircraft.

What was the 10 pound poms scheme?

The term ten pound Pom, (also ten pound migrant, ten quid migrant, and ten pound tourist), is first recorded in the 1970s. It refers to those people from the UK who migrated to Australia under the Assisted Passage Scheme, a scheme run by the Australian Government after the Second World War.

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When did the Ten Pound Poms arrive in Australia?

In 1945 the Australian Government introduced the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme (also known as the ‘Ten-Pound Pom’ scheme) to attract migrant families from Britain.

When did Ten Pound Poms start?

From 1945 to 1972, over a million United Kingdom migrants travelled to their new Australian homeland on board ships of the P&O and Orient Line. Known as the Ten Pound Poms, this mass exodus was a scheme devised by the Australian and British Governments in order to help populate Australia.

When was the White Australia policy introduced?

5 June 1901
The Immigration Restriction Bill, which enacted the white Australia policy, was initiated in the House of Representatives by Prime Minister Edmund Barton on 5 June 1901, nine sitting days after the Duke of York had opened the Australian Parliament on 9 May 1901.

When was the White Australia policy officially abolished?

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 made the use of racial criteria for any official purpose illegal. It was not until the Fraser Liberal government’s review of immigration law in 1978 that all selection of prospective migrants based on country of origin was entirely removed from official policy.