
When should I re PPAP?

When should I re PPAP?

A Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is required anytime a new part of change to an existing part or process is being planned. A customer may request a PPAP at any time during the life of a product.

What are PPAP requirements?

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is the industry standard that ensures engineering design and product specification requirements are met. Through the PPAP guideline, suppliers and customers understand the requirements to obtain part approval of supplier manufactured parts.

What is included in a Level 3 PPAP?

Level 3 includes a Part Submission Warrant (PSW), product samples and complete supporting data.

Is PPAP mandatory?

A. A PPAP is required for each product line family intended to be supplied for automotive use. Each company and industry has their own product specific definition of a product line family. The supplier will need to notify the customer of the change and ultimately the customer will determine if a PPAP is required.

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Why is PPAP important?

PPAP is important because it ensures that each essential part that’s needed for a vehicle or piece of machinery is made to the correct specifications each time. It lays out clear guidelines so that suppliers know exactly what is expected of them, improving the process of communication.

Who is responsible for a PPAP?

Suppliers, not customers, are responsible for PPAPs. For a supplier, this means maintaining a quality system that documents all of the requirements of a PPAP submission is a necessity.

What is PPAP level1?

PPAP requirements are typically distinguished by level as follows: Level 1 – Part Submission Warrant (PSW) only submitted to the customer. Level 2 – PSW with product samples and limited supporting data. Level 3 – PSW with product samples and complete supporting data.

Who is responsible for PPAP?

What is control plan in PPAP?

A control plan is a living document that outlines the methods taken for quality control of critical inputs to deliver outputs that meet customer requirements. The document is used in a PPAP if there is a process change or if a new process is implemented.

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Do you charge for PPAP?

We do not charge for PPAP as PPAP but we add the cost into our quotation as part of our expenses.