
When towing a skier behind a motorboat on a Missouri lake between 11am and sunset What must be on board?

When towing a skier behind a motorboat on a Missouri lake between 11am and sunset What must be on board?

An operator of a motorboat (other than a PWC) on the waters of the Mississippi River, the Missouri River, or Missouri lakes between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and sunset must clearly display a red or orange flag whenever a person enters the water before or after being towed on water skis or other similar devices.

Can you drink as a passenger on a boat?

Passengers on a boat can drink alcohol (not the operator), and it is allowed in most states. However, excessive alcohol consumption can be dangerous since drunk passengers who are chaotic can distract the boat driver, causing any problems (accidents).

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Which action is allowed when towing a water skier with a vessel?

When a vessel is towing a person on water skis, surfboards, or similar devices, the operator must have another competent person on board to act as an observer or the vessel must be equipped with a wide-angle rearview mirror.

Do you need a spotter for tubing?

Several states legally mandate water tubers to have a spotter, but it’s recommended that you always have a spotter regardless. Spotters keep a close lookout for any water tubing accidents to see if anyone has fallen off the tube. They also allow the boat driver to concentrate on oncoming obstacles.

Can you get a DUI in a canoe in Missouri?

Boating While Intoxicated Laws In Missouri The BWI statutes make it illegal to operate a motorized vessel or a sailboat while intoxicated. The law does not apply to canoes, kayaks or rowboats, but it does apply to personal watercraft (Jet Skis). The penalties are similar to drunk driving (DWI):

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Can you drink on a boat if its anchored?

Skippers of recreational boats should also be aware that, the limit is still 0.05 even when your boat is at anchor, unless the boat is securely moored in a marina, to a jetty or wharf or on a swing mooring. Drinking alcohol and being under the influence of drugs reduces your ability to boat safely.

Do you need a flag to swim off a boat?

The Alpha flag signifies restricted ability to maneuver and must be flown from the boat hosting divers or snorkelers. This is the only flag that is required by federal law to be flown by boats mothering diver or snorkelers, and a rigid replica of it no less than 1 meter (3.3 feet) high must visible to other boats.

Do you have to have a spotter on a boat?

the vessel must have an observer, at least 12 years or older, holding an orange flag and in visual contact with the person in tow and in verbal communication with the vessel operator. Water-skiing, towables (etc.) are allowed only during daylight hours.

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How fast should you go while tubing?

between 20 and 25 mph
According to Blain’s Farm and Fleet, the recommended speed for tubing is between 20 and 25 mph. In addition to safety reasons, pulling a rider too fast and constantly knocking them into the water often makes them not want to do it again.

Is it illegal to waterski unless the skier is wearing what?

illegal to ski within 150′ of any public dock, mooring line, launch ramp, boat, fisherman, swimmer or any person not engaged in the same activity. If pulled by PWC skier must wear PFD. PWC must be equipt with mirrors or observer. Vessels used to tow another person must be designed to accomodate two or more persons.