
When two positively charged small sphere are pushed towards each other what happens to the electrical potential energy?

When two positively charged small sphere are pushed towards each other what happens to the electrical potential energy?

When work is done on a positive test charge to move it from one location to another, potential energy increases and electric potential increases.

What happens when 2 positively charged particles come closer?

In contrast to the attractive force between two objects with opposite charges, two objects that are of like charge will repel each other. That is, a positively charged object will exert a repulsive force upon a second positively charged object. This repulsive force will push the two objects apart.

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When you bring two like charge together what happens to the potential energy?

If you bring two positive charges or two negative charges closer, you have to do positive work on the system, which raises their potential energy. Since potential energy is proportional to 1/r, the potential energy goes up when r goes down between two positive or two negative charges.

What is the electric potential between two positive charges?

Potential at any point due to a charge is proportional to its magnitude and inversely proportional to distance from the point charge. For two positive charges the two potential would add. Now as you move from one charge to another, the value of sum of inverse of the distances from their centres decreases.

Does a positive charge moves from high to low potential?

A positive charge, if free to move in an electric field, will move from a high potential point to a low potential point. Again, note that the work done by the electric field is positive, and the negative charge will lose electric potential energy and gain kinetic energy as it moves against the field.

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What happens to a positive charge in an electric field?

A positive charge placed in an electric field will tend to move in the direction of the electric field lines and a negative charge will tend to move opposite to the direction of the electric field lines.

What will most likely happen to the electric potential of a positive charge if its distance from another positive charge increases?

Actually, electric potential decreases as you move farther from a charge distribution. That’s because like charges repel each other, so it takes more and more energy to move the charges together the closer you get.

How does a positive charge move in an electric field in order to gain electric potential energy?

measures energy per unit charge. How does a positive charge move in an electric field in order to gain electrical potential energy? parallel to and in the opposite direction to the electric field. A charge moves between two points in a uniform electric field.