
Where can I find the PRN number?

Where can I find the PRN number?

You can get your PRN number from your colleges student information department. And there is a document which is provided by your college after all your registration is complete in your respective university including all the formalities for generating PRN number.

What is Shivaji University registration number?

Maharashtra, INDIA. Telephone (EPABX) No.: + 91 – 0231- 2609000.

How can I check my Shivaji university result online?

Go on the official website of Shivaji University –

  1. On home page, click on Students tab.
  2. Now Click on Results link.
  3. Now click on your respective course Exam Result link.
  4. Enter Your PRN No.
  5. Finally Click on submit button.
  6. The Shivaji University Result 2021 will appear on scree.
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How can I download Shivaji Marksheet?

1st Step – Visit the official website of Shivaji University ( 2nd Step – Visit the ‘Exam section” and click on “Online Results”. 3rd Step – Link for the Full Statement of Marks and Result sheet will appear on the screen.

How can I get my Shivaji University graduation certificate online?

Online application form will be available on university website. All eligible students should fill up these forms online and then take a print out of same. Attach photo copy of the final year mark sheet with fee receipt. Submit the same form at Convocation Section at university office or send it by post.

How to check Shivaji University exams results 2021 online?

1st Step – Visit the official website of Shivaji University ( ). 2nd Step – Visit the ‘Exam section” and click on “Online Results”. 3rd Step – Link for the Full Statement of Marks and Result sheet will appear on the screen.

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What is the PRN number of a university?

Answer Wiki. PRN is unique code which is given to every student in their first year to university which remains same upto completion of degree/ graduation. That number carries our whole information throughout the years of graduation .

What are the recent reforms in the examination system at JNU?

More specifically, the University has initiated following examination-related reforms: Computerization of most steps in the examination system. Up-dating of the data on college and teachers’ profile. Introduction of October-to-October batch for external students, their on-line registration.