
Where did loyalists get their weapons?

Where did loyalists get their weapons?

According to a number of those involved in the shipment, the weapons were provided by Armscor, the arms sales and procurement corporation of apartheid-era South Africa.

What does the loyalist paramilitary do?

The modus operandi of loyalist paramilitaries involved assassinations, mass shootings, bombings and kidnappings. They used sub machine-guns, assault rifles, pistols, grenades (including homemade grenades), incendiary bombs, booby trap bombs and car bombs. Bomb attacks were usually made without warning.

What weapons did the UVF use?

Like the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), the UVF’s modus operandi involved assassinations, mass shootings, bombings and kidnappings. It used submachine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, grenades (including homemade grenades), incendiary bombs, booby trap bombs and car bombs.


How did the UVF get guns?

In January 1913, the Ulster Unionist Council instituted the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), consisting of men who had signed the Ulster Covenant. In early June 1913, around seven thousand rifles being stored by Crawford in a disused inn in Hammersmith were seized by police.

Who supported the UDA?

The UDA has received backing from Combat 18, the National Front and the British National Party. The links may not have been politically motivated, but for mutually beneficial arms deals. On one occasion the UDA sent Louis Scott, one of a few black members of the UDA, to make the transaction.

How many guns did IRA decommission?

Decommissioning of arms. Following the announcement of its cessation of violence and commitment to exclusively peaceful means, the Provisional IRA decommissioned its arms in July–September 2005. Among the weaponry estimated, (by Jane’s Information Group), to have been destroyed as part of this process were: 1,000 …

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Where did the IVF land their guns and ammunition in 1914?

Ulster Volunteers in training 1914 On the night of 24-25 April 1914, militant Unionists, led by the quixotic Major Fred Crawford, landed 25,000 rifles and three million rounds of ammunition, principally at Larne in County Antrim.

What happened to the loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland?

The loyalist paramilitaries also agreed to decommission their weapons as the IRA was no longer a threat. Loyalist violence had always been largely reactive – with no IRA, there was no need for the UDA and UFF.

Who are the core members of loyalist paramilitary groups?

Young Protestant men from Ulster ’s most downtrodden neighborhoods make up the core membership of loyalist paramilitary groups, which are effectively pro-state terrorist organizations. How many loyalist paramilitary groups are there?

What weapons did the Loyalists use in the American Revolution?

Weapons. Mostly, the Loyalists used muskets in the American Revolution. One of the most common of all the muskets used is the Brown Bess. These were used by both the Americans and the British and could be loaded with a single or multiple (also called ‘grape’) shot. But, this musket was short ranged and inaccurate like most muskets.

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What is the difference between the IRA and the loyalist groups?

Experts say loyalist groups have often acted out of religious hatred, while the IRA has more often targeted British security officers—killing more than 1,000 of them—in an effort to further its political goal of ejecting the British from Northern Ireland . How big are the loyalist paramilitary groups?