
Where did the name Rachel originate?

Where did the name Rachel originate?

Origin: Rachel is a Hebrew name meaning “ewe.”

Is Rachel an old name?

In medieval Europe, Rachel was only used by Jewish families. After the Reformation, it was one of the first Old Testament names adopted by Protestants. In the 1540s, the first decade English churches recorded all baptisms, Rachel ranked 39th. Susanna (at 30th) was the only Old Testament name above it.

What is Spanish for Rachel?

[ˈreɪtʃəl ] Raquel.

What does Rachel mean in French?

Rachel is French Girl name and meaning of this name is “Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, Ewe”.

What is Rachel German?

Rahel/Rachel (German, Hebrew, Polish, Welsh, Indonesia) Rahela (Hawaiian, Romanian, Croatian) Rahil (Russian) راحله (Raheleh) (Persian)

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What is the spiritual meaning of the name Rachel?

From the Hebrew name רָחֵל (Rachel) meaning “ewe”. In the Old Testament this is the name of the favourite wife of Jacob. Jacob was tricked by her father Laban into marrying her older sister Leah first, though in exchange for seven years of work Laban allowed Jacob to marry Rachel too.

What does Rachel mean in German?

German (mainly Bavaria): probably a topographic name from Middle High German rach ‘rough’, ‘steep’. French: metronymic from the female Biblical name Rachel, meaning ‘ewe’ in Hebrew. In the Bible (Genesis 28–35), Rachel is the wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.

What is the surname of Rachel?

The surname Rachel is a metronymic surname, which means that it comes from the given name of the mother of the bearer. The Hebrew name Rachel became Reichel, in German- Yiddish, and it is from this given name that the surname Rachel derives.

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What is the Spanish name for Rachel?

Rachel n. Raquel n propio f. Siempre comienza con mayúscula, y a menudo se le encuentra sin artículo, pero cuando lo lleva, debe ser un artículo femenino (la, una).

What does Rachel mean in Greek?

Rachel is another modest, nun-like name, of the same order as Judith, and has the appropriate signification of a lamb. Etymology: From Late Latin Rachel, from Ancient Greek Ῥαχήλ ( Rhakhḗl ) , from Biblical Hebrew רָחֵל‎ ( rakhél , ” ewe”) . Rachelnoun.