
Where did the phrase balls of steel come from?

Where did the phrase balls of steel come from?

Balls of steel, a common catch-phrase from the videogame character Duke Nukem.

Where does the saying balls to the wall originate?

The phrase is of aviation origin, coined by pilots whose throttle levers had round, ball-like tops and for whom putting the “balls to the wall” (the firewall of the aircraft) meant making the aircraft fly as quickly as possible.

When did the term balls start?

The balls, meaning the best, goes back to the 1950s, as in that was the balls. And balls, without the article meaning something good or excellent, appears in African-American slang around 2000. There’s also baller, meaning someone who is very good at something, from professional basketball players.

What is ball steel?

Steel Balls. Steel balls are spherical components used as rolling mechanisms in rotary motion components such as bearings, tooling, wheels, but there are other use for steel balls such as grinding or burnishing media, toys and more. There are many sizes and gauges used in a variety of applications.

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Who was the annoying devil?

Barrie Hall

Performer(s) Segment name Times appeared
Barrie Hall The Annoying Devil 8
Jason Attar 5
Neg Dupree Neg’s Urban Sports 13
Eric Page Big Gay Following 8

What does nerve steel mean?

Definition of nerves of steel : an impressive ability to remain calm in dangerous or difficult situations It takes nerves of steel to work in such a high-pressure job.

What does putting English on a ball mean?

In billiards, “English” is applied by striking the ball with the cue stick slightly off-center, causing the ball to spin and take a curved, rather than straight, path. “Body English” was originally actually a sardonic bit of humor. It means contorting one’s body (leaning, twisting, etc.)

Who first said balls to the wall?

The expression is first found in military-aviation sources that date from the Vietnam War, and it was recorded in the slang of U.S. Air Force Academy cadets in 1969. Although no evidence from the period has come to light, Korean War veterans have also reliably claimed to have used the expression in the 1950s.

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Did balls come from bollocks?

bollocks (n.) “testicles,” 1744, variant of ballocks, from Old English beallucas “testicles,” from Proto-Germanic *ball-, from PIE root *bhel- (2) “to blow, swell.” In British slang, as an ejaculation, “nonsense!” from 1919.

What are forged steel balls used for?

Forged Steel Balls are used for gold mining, cement factories, oil processing and large scale industrial applications. They are made by machine (standard) sizes 20mm–75mm. They are manually made (hit by air hammer) sizes 75mm–125mm. They have hardness 55–63 HRC.

Are steel balls magnetic?

Chrome steel and most stainless steel bearings are magnetic. Our standard plastic bearings have glass balls or 316 stainless steel balls, both of which are non-magnetic.

Who was neg in Balls of Steel?

Neg Dupree
Neg Dupree (/ˈnɛdʒ/ NEJ; born Andy Dupree, London, England) is a British comedian, writer and actor, best known for his act “Neg’s Urban Sports” on the British television show Balls of Steel.

What does balls of steel mean?

Euphemism: For fearless, courageous, manly and sometimes foolish. Also, a form recognition of a daring feat. Man jumping from a height, a person exclaimed, “Man, that guy has balls of steel .” Get a Balls of Steel mug for your father-in-law José.

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Where does the term ball to the wall come from?

Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia. balls to the wall With maximum effort, energy, or speed, and without caution or restraint. The phrase most likely originated as an aviation term, referring to the throttle levers of military aircraft (which have a rounded ball on top) being pushed to their maximum limit (i.e., to the bulkhead, or “wall”).

Where does the term ‘ball throttle’ come from?

The phrase most likely originated as an aviation term, referring to the throttle levers of military aircraft (which have a rounded ball on top) being pushed to their maximum limit (i.e., to the bulkhead, or “wall”).

What is a good sentence for balls of steel?

Man jumping from a height, a person exclaimed, “Man, that guy has balls of steel .” Get a Balls of Steel mug for your father-in-law José. Micro marriging is when your partner manages your personal day-to-day tasks with you much like a Micro Manager at work. Wife: “Have you put the sheets out to dry and put the towels on?” Husband: “Yes.