
Where did the term acting chops come from?

Where did the term acting chops come from?

In the 1940s or thereabouts, chops began to be used in American slang for the power of a jazz trumpeter’s embouchure, the way in which he applied his mouth to the instrument, and so came to mean the quality and versatility of his playing.

What is the slang meaning of chops?

pl n. the jaws or cheeks; jowls. the mouth. slang.

Where did busting your chops come from?

Its usage extends back to the early 16th century. Its etymology is from “chap,” which is a jawbone, and an ever older word. So, the phrase is literal: “Don’t bust my chops,” means “don’t hit me in the jaw.” However, its usage is typically metaphorical, as: “don’t give me such a hard time.”

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What does chops mean in the UK?

chops in British English (tʃɒps ) plural noun. 1. the jaws or cheeks; jowls. 2.

Why are mouths called chops?

Musical “chops” comes from the word “embouchure,” which M-W defines as “the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument” or the mouthpiece of any musical instrument.

What does he’s chops mean?

It is a phrase commonly spoken from one performer to another, and its specific meaning/connotation is “You have developed an impressive degree of skill in your craft.”

What are acting chops?

‘Acting chops’ basically means you have a firm command of Acting technique in general and can perform all or most technical requirements of a given role: eg: tears, dramatic dialogue, emotional range, vocal and physical presence and good timing.

Why is mouth called chops?

What does bustin my chops mean?

: to criticize someone in a playful way : tease My brother likes to bust my chops.

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What does bust his chops mean?

“Busting my chops” is a figurative way to say “stop hitting me in the face,” with “chops” meaning “jaw.” This “chop” traces to about 1513, the OED says, and also has some tenuous connection with another form of “chap,” meaning, the OED says without irony: “The jaws as unitedly forming the mouth; the biting and …

What is the meaning of licking lips?

Definition of lick one’s lips 1 : to pass one’s tongue over the lips She licked her lips while she waited for the food to be served. 2 : to feel or show excitement because something good is expected to happen The players knew they would win and were licking their lips as they waited for the game to start.