
Where do most Northeastern students live off campus?

Where do most Northeastern students live off campus?

Students often search for Northeastern housing off campus starting their junior year. We find that students love our Mission Hill apartments, Jamaica Plain apartments, South End Apartments, Fenway apartments, and Brighton apartments.

What percentage of Northeastern students live off campus?

Northeastern University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 15,156 (fall 2020), with a gender distribution of 49\% male students and 51\% female students. At this school, 33\% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 67\% of students live off campus.

Can you live off campus at Northeastern?

Students who do not live in university housing are considered off-campus students. Off Campus Housing and Support Services offer information, resources, and materials regarding off-campus student living.

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What percentage of Northeastern is Greek?

According to Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) at Northeastern, approximately nine percent of the student population belongs to a fraternity or sorority – slightly below the 10 percent national average, reported by

Is it safe around Northeastern University?

Generally, Northeastern is in a “safe” area. Very few students are victims of serious crimes. Their is the typical slate of petty thefts (mostly bikes and laptops), but this is common at all city schools.

Where do honors students live at Northeastern?

In addition to East Village and International Village, upper class Honors students may choose to live in other Northeastern residence halls that offer dedicated housing to Honors students, including West Village C and 106 St. Stephens.

What is the best freshman dorm at Northeastern?

For freshmen, definitely International Village and East Village. Both are nice newer buildings that have AC and in-suite bathrooms. IV has a dining hall on the first floor, which is really nice.

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Do you pick a roommate at Northeastern?

If you have a friend you would like to live with, you can create a roommate group in your housing application! LLC’s are then assigned to buildings after the application deadline in order to assign as many students to their top choice LLC.