
Which anime world would you want to live in?

Which anime world would you want to live in?

, Watch a lot of anime and enjoy most genres. Originally Answered: what anime world would you live in and why? For me I’d have to go with either No Game No Life or The Irregulars of Magic High School. No Game No Life would be cool because every conflict is decide by a games.

Can life be like an anime?

You may not be able to recreate everything from anime, but you can add a few things to your life to live like an anime character. Adapt your style to mimic the bright colors of anime. Try a few new things like karaoke, going on adventures, or visiting an onsen, which is a Japanese hot spring.

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How does anime influence your life?

Watching anime changed my life as they show stories and make me get an idea. Anime is not just cartoons for kids but shows a persons creativity and dreams. To get ideas and learn lessons and help yourself to enjoy life. Anime has taught me how find love,joy and laughter.

What is the safest anime to live in?

10 Anime Worlds We’d Love To Live In

  1. 1 Mahou Sensei Negima. The Negima world has a ton of danger out there, but there’s no shortage of people who know how to deal with it.
  2. 2 My Hero Academia.
  3. 3 Digimon.
  4. 4 Macross.
  5. 5 Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.
  6. 6 No Game No Life.
  7. 7 Cowboy Bebop.
  8. 8 Fairy Tail.

Are animes true?

Anime may seem to be a medium that’s based on truly larger than life at first glance. There is actually a large amount of anime based on real events, whether they be large scale or events that simply happened to the author.

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Which Anime can Change Your Life?

There are many anime which can change one’s life. But one which immediately comes to my mind is Angel Beats!

Is anime the answer to everything?

Anime, my dear friend, is not only THE answer to everything but it can also contain the answer TO everything. Never fear, anime will tell us why it is so! 7. Kill La Kill

Why do you like watching anime?

One of those days when you don’t feel like dealing with anyone or anything. Anime is perfect for those kinds of days. Regardless of what you feel like watching, there’s bound to be an anime to fit the way you feel. Anime has many genres, some of which are more lighthearted, sci-fi, or serious than others.

Why are anime nerds so satisfied?

One final reason that anime nerds are highly satisfied in life is cosplay. Cosplaying is when you dress up like a character from an anime, comic book, movie or even a TV show. It’s kind of like dressing up for Halloween, except whenever you feel like it.