
Which cell has the highest concentration of mitochondria?

Which cell has the highest concentration of mitochondria?

muscle cells
It is generally believed that the cells that have the most mitochondria in them are the muscle cells.

Do the testes have mitochondria?

Testis mitochondria are shown to require low oxygen consumption to generate approximately the same maximum DeltaPsi as other tissues.

What is the function of mitochondria in sperms?

The sperm mitochondria produce energy for the movement of the sperm.

Why do some cells have lots of mitochondria?

Some different cells have different amounts of mitochondria because they need more energy. So for example, the muscle has a lot of mitochondria, the liver does too, the kidney as well, and to a certain extent, the brain, which lives off of the energy those mitochondria produce.

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Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell?

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell because they “burn” or break the chemical bonds of glucose to release energy to do work in a cell. Remember that this energy originally came from the sun and was stored in chemical bonds by plants during photosynthesis.

Where is mitochondria mostly found in the body?

Where are mitochondria found? Mitochondria are found in all body cells, with the exception of a few. There are usually multiple mitochondria found in one cell, depending upon the function of that type of cell. Mitochondria are located in the cytoplasm of cells along with other organelles of the cell.

Is mitochondria found in reproductive cell?

Mitochondria is present in vegetative cells. Reproductive cells do not need mitochondria as they are not programmed to produce energy.

What is the function of mitochondria in sperm Class 8?

To provide energy for movement of sperm.

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Where is the mitochondria located in the sperm?

The tip of the sperm head is the portion called the acrosome, which enables the sperm to penetrate the egg. The midpiece contains the mitochondria which supplies the energy the tail needs to move.

Why are the mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell?

Why do skeletal muscles have more mitochondria?

Explanation: Muscle cells need energy to do mechanical work and respond quickly. Thus a higher number of mitochondria is present so that the cells requirement of energy to perform its specific function is fulfilled.

Why is the mitochondria the most important organelle?

As the power plants in virtually every human cell (as well as animal, plant, and fungi cells), mitochondria play an essential role in creating energy to drive cellular function and basically all of our biological processes.