
Which command set a trunk port on a 2960 switch?

Which command set a trunk port on a 2960 switch?

Solution(By Examveda Team) To set a switch port to trunk mode, which allows all VLAN information to pass down the link, use the switchport mode trunk command.

How do you set a trunk port on a Cisco switch?

To enable trunk links, configure the ports on either end of the physical link with parallel sets of commands. To configure a switch port on one end of a trunk link, use the switchport mode trunk command. With this command, the interface changes to permanent trunking mode.

How do I assign a trunk port to a VLAN?

perform these steps:

  1. To restrict the traffic that a trunk carries, issue the switchport trunk vlan-list interface configuration command.
  2. To add a VLAN to the trunk, issue the switchport trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list command.
  3. This example shows how to remove VLANs 5 through 10 and 12.
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Can you configure port security trunk port?

Port security supports trunks. –On a trunk, you can configure the maximum number of secure MAC addresses both on the trunk and for all the VLANs on the trunk. –You can configure the maximum number of secure MAC addresses on a single VLAN or a range of VLANs.

What is the Cisco proprietary method for trunk encapsulation?

ISL (Inter-Switch Link )is a Cisco-proprietary protocol for identifying the VLAN of frames that pass over a trunk link.

Whose trunk encapsulation is auto can not be configured to trunk mode?

Command rejected: An interface whose trunk encapsulation is “Auto” can not be configured to “trunk” mode. This is because you are missing the encapsulation type (likely to be 802.1Q) on that port.

What is the difference between a trunk port and an access port?

access port – a port that can be assigned to a single VLAN. trunk port – a port that is connected to another switch. This port type can carry traffic of multiple VLANs, thus allowing you to extend VLANs across your entire network. Frames are tagged by assigning a VLAN ID to each frame as they traverse between switches.

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Which command disables the trunking configuration on a switch interface?

switchport mode
To avoid trunking misconfigurations, configure interfaces connected to devices that do not support DTP to not forward DTP frames, that is, to turn off DTP. If you do not intend to trunk across those links, use the switchport mode access interface configuration command to disable trunking.

How do I assign a port to a VLAN on a Cisco switch?

Assigning Access Ports to VLANs

  1. Choose Switch configuration.
  2. Choose VLAN Menu…
  3. Choose VLAN Port Assignment.
  4. Choose Edit.
  5. Find the port to assign.
  6. Press space on Default VLAN until it shows No.
  7. Move over to the column for the VLAN to which this port will be assigned.
  8. Press space until it shows Untagged.

What is the difference between an access port and a trunk port?

A trunk port has more than one VLAN set up on the interface, whereas an access port is capable of having only one VLAN set up on the interface. Trunk port usually offers higher bandwidth and lower latency than access ports. Voice VLAN feature is supported only on the access Port, not on the trunk port.

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What are the Port Security violation modes?

You can configure the port for one of three violation modes: protect, restrict, or shutdown.

How do I enable ports after security violation?

One method to enable back an interface, after a Port Security violation related shutdown (Errdisable state) is to bring the interface down and again up by issuing the commands “shutdown” and “no shutdown”. Other method is to bring up the switch port automatically after a period of time in Errdisable state.