
Which dye is used for staining gel after SDS-PAGE?

Which dye is used for staining gel after SDS-PAGE?

Coomassie brilliant blue R250, an anionic dye is the most popular stain to detect proteins resolved in SDS-PAGE gels.

What is Coomassie blue staining used for?

Description. Coomassie blue dyes are a family of dyes commonly used to stain proteins in SDS-PAGE gels. The gels are soaked in dye, and excess stain is then eluted with a solvent (“destaining”). This treatment allows the visualization of proteins as blue bands on a clear background.

When should I use silver stain?

Silver staining is used to stain gels. The silver stain of proteins in Agarose gels was developed in 1973 by Kerenyi and Gallyas. Later it was adapted to polyacrylamide gels used in SDS-PAGE, and also for staining DNA or RNA.

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What does Coomassie Blue stain?

Description. Coomassie blue dyes are a family of dyes commonly used to stain proteins in SDS-PAGE gels. This treatment allows the visualization of proteins as blue bands on a clear background.

How long should I stain SDS-PAGE gel?

Stain the gel at room temperature for 3 to 4 hr with gentle agitation. The Coomassie stain is removed by aspiration after staining. 4. Cover the gel with ~250mL of the destain solution and allow the gel to destain with gentle agitation.

Why is bromophenol blue used in SDS-PAGE?

It is often used as a tracking dye during agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bromophenol blue has a slight negative charge and will migrate the same direction as DNA, allowing the user to monitor the progress of molecules moving through the gel.

What is silver stain used for?

What are protein based stains?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of stains; dye stains and protein stains. Protein stains are stains caused by things that contain protein (go figure) including; Blood stains. Dairy stains (including milk, cream, ice cream)