
Which fertilizer is used for paddy rice?

Which fertilizer is used for paddy rice?

Nitrogen fertilizers containing nitrogen in ammoniacal form (urea, ammonium sulphate) are more beneficial for rice. Potassium fertilizer should be applied based on soil analysis.

Which is the best bio fertilizer for paddy?

The best fertilizer for paddy. Urea which contains 46\% Nitrogen is the fertilizer of choice for the cultivation of paddy rice.

Which is the best fertilizer for paddy Mcq?

Question 16 : Ammonium sulphate fertiliser is the best fertiliser for paddy.

How do you fertilize a paddy?

The main fertilizers used for paddy cultivation are Urea, TSP and MOP. Though many farmers in dry and intermediate zones use recommended level of chemical fertilizers, farmers in wet zone use chemical fertilizers less than the recommended level.

How much fertilizer do I need for rice?

Apply 40−50 kg N/ha as inorganic fertilizer for every ton of additional grain yield over yield without N. At optimum levels of nutrition, the rice crop (straw plus grain) takes up around 16 kg N per ton of grain yield (10 kg N in grain + 6 kg N in straw).

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Which is the best fertilizer for paddy exam Veda?

Which is the best fertiliser for paddy?

  • A. Ammonium sulphate.
  • Nitro-phosphate.
  • Superphosphate.
  • Potassium nitrate.

How many times I should apply fertilizer in rice?

For broadcast seeded rice, recent work conducted by the Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC) indicated that the most effective treatment is the split application of fertilizer nitrogen in three equal doses: one third applied before planting, incorporated in dry soil; one third at the mid tillering stage and one …

Is urea fertilizer good for rice?

Pot experiments conducted with a non-acid marine soil (Typic Tropaquepts) from the Central Region of Thailand showed that in general, urea, DAP, MAP, and urea supergranule were equally effective for increasing rice yield.