
Which file is required as an input for floor planning?

Which file is required as an input for floor planning?

IO ports/pins placed. macros placement done. floorplan def file.

What is SDC file in physical design?

The Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) format is used to specify the design intent, including timing, power and area constraints for a design. This format is used by different EDA tools to synthesize and analyse a design. SDC is based on the tool command language (Tcl). Design Constraints. Design Objects.

What are synthesis constraints?

Synthesis constraints are used to direct the synthesis tool to perform specific opera- tions. As an example, consider the synthesis constraint CLOCK_BUFFER. This constraint is used to specify the type of clock buffer used on the clock port.

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What is meant by floorplanning in VLSI?

A floorplanning is the process of placing blocks/macros in the chip/core area, thereby determining the routing areas between them. Floorplan determines the size of die and creates wire tracks for placement of standard cells.

What SDC timing constraints?

SDC Timing Constraints A standard file format, Synopsys Design Constraint (SDC), is used to specify timing and other design con- straints. The constraints are specified as tcl com- mands. This lecture covers the most common timing constraints and how they are specified in an SDC file.

What are timing constraints?

Timing constraints is a vital attribute in real-time systems. Timing constraints decides the total correctness of the result sin real-time systems. The correctness of results in real-time system does not depends only on logical correctness but also the result should be obtained within the time constraint.

What is floorplanning and placement in VLSI circuits?

Floor planning is the next process in designing the layout of the chip. Floorplanning plays an important role within the physical design method of very large Scale Integrated (VLSI) chips. It’s a necessary design step to estimate the chip area before the optimized placement of digital blocks and their interconnections.

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What is floorplanning in VLSI?

Floorplanning involves determining the locations, shape, size of modules in a chip and as such it estimates the chip area, delay and the wiring congestion, thereby providing a ground work for layout.

How macro placement is done in floorplanning or what are the guidelines for macro placement?

Macro Placement Guidelines

  1. Macros should be placed at the periphery of the block.
  2. Interacting Macros should be placed near to each other which is also known as logical grouping.
  3. Macros should be placed by taking care of channel optimization to avoid criss-cross placement of Macros.

What are the floorplanning control parameters?

Aspect Ratio (Ar):

  • Aspect Ratio(Ar) = Horizontal routing resource (H)/Vertical routing resource (V)
  • Core Utilization(Cu) = Standard Cell area/(Row area + Channel area)
  • Rcr = Row area / Core area (H x V)
  • T(F) = (A(m) + A(p) + A(s) ) / A.
  • C(F) = A(s) / A(R -union(B, E, m, p))