
Which industries will benefit the least from AI?

Which industries will benefit the least from AI?

The analysis suggests that there are two notable outliers at both ends of the spectrum: the health sector and the professional, scientific and technical services sector stand to benefit the most from AI in terms of the proportion of additional jobs created, whilst manufacturing and public administration and defence …

What type of jobs are more resistant to automation and why?

That said, let’s take a look at the seven jobs that won’t be automated.

  • Teachers and Educators. The first job or career path landing on our list is teaching and educating.
  • Programmers and Systems Analysts.
  • Healthcare Workers and Carers.
  • Social Workers.
  • Lawyers.
  • Project Managers.
  • Designers and Artists.

What jobs will be affected by automation?

7. 12 jobs that robots will replace in the future

  • Customer service executives. Customer service executives don’t require a high level of social or emotional intelligence to perform.
  • Bookkeeping and data entry.
  • Receptionists.
  • Proofreading.
  • Manufacturing and pharmaceutical work.
  • Retail services.
  • Courier services.
  • Doctors.
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How has technology affected medical field?

By using technology, the medical field can make discoveries regarding treatments, data collection, symptom and disease research, cure research, human aiding devices (like hearing devices and speaking devices). Technology has made the medical area very accessible to people.

What industry will AI affect the most?

Healthcare. Perhaps the field that will be most impacted by the integration of artificial intelligence is healthcare. Here, new technologies can save lives, cut costs, and improve the wellbeing of people across the world.

What jobs will survive automation?

Automation At Work

  • Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians.
  • Animal Scientists.
  • Animal Trainers.
  • Astronomers.
  • Athletes and Sports Competitors.
  • Clergy.
  • Dancers.
  • Directors, Religious Activities and Education.

How will automation affect economy?

For example, the Nobel laureate economist Christopher Pissarides and Jacques Bughin of the McKinsey Global Institute argue that higher productivity resulting from automation “implies faster economic growth, more consumer spending, increased labor demand, and thus greater job creation.”