
Which is better state PCS or IAS?

Which is better state PCS or IAS?

Provincial Civil Services (PCS): No doubt IAS is better than PCS in terms of salary, growth and over all career prospective, but as PCS is much better than many other government jobs so a candidate should try for PCS as well because the chances of clearing the PCS exam is much more than that of the IAS exam.

Can state civil service promotion to IAS?

AIS branch deals only with appointment by promotion of State Civil Service (SCS)/State Police Service (SPS)/State Forest Service (SFS) Officers to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)/Indian Police Service (IPS)/Indian Forest Service (IFS) respectively and appointment by Selection of Non-State Civil Services (NSCS) …

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Which is tough PCS or IAS?

State civil services exams are tougher than upsc because state pcs are based on facts and information and upsc questions are based on concepts . You understand a concept and you can answer all questions based on it .

What are the ‘state civil services?

The ‘State Civil Services’, also known as ‘Provincial Civil Services’ provide a lucrative alternative to the All India Services like the IAS, IPS and IFS. Every State has a separate ‘Public Service Commission’ which is responsible for conducting competitive examinations to recruit new candidates into a particular State’s Civil Service.

What is the difference between UPSC CSE and IAS?

The UPSC CSE exam is held annually to recruit for Group A and Group B posts in the Indian government. Out of the 22 services, the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is perhaps the most prestigious service. Let’s see how the states fare in producing IAS officers:

Why is up the best state to become an IAS officer?

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This could be because it is the most populous state in India. Also, traditionally a lot of people aspire to be IAS officers from this state. In terms of selected candidates, UP is second in place next to Delhi.

How do I get promoted to the Indian Administrative Services (IAS)?

After you work in the State Civil Services or the State Police Services for a few years, it is very possible that you get promoted to the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) or the IPS (Indian Police Services) and work directly under the Central Government. These promotions are generally based on seniority and merit.