
Which is more powerful non deterministic PDA or deterministic PDA?

Which is more powerful non deterministic PDA or deterministic PDA?

3 Answers. NPDA(Non Deterministic Push Down Automata) is more powerful than DPDA(Deterministic Push Down Automata).

Which PDA is more powerful?

A PDA is more powerful than FA. Any language which can be acceptable by FA can also be acceptable by PDA. PDA also accepts a class of language which even cannot be accepted by FA. Thus PDA is much more superior to FA.

How does a deterministic PDA differ from a non deterministic PDA?

In deterministic algorithm, for a given particular input, the computer will always produce the same output going through the same states but in case of non-deterministic algorithm, for the same input, the compiler may produce different output in different runs.

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Is non deterministic Turing machine more powerful than deterministic Turing machine?

Non-determinism is more powerful than determinism for pushdown automata. Quite surprisingly, the deterministic and non-deterministic Turing machines are the same in power. Note: If a nondeterministic Turing machine accepts a language L, then there is a deterministic Turing machine that also accepts L.

What is a non-deterministic PDA?

A Non-deterministic PDA is used to generate a language that a deterministic automata cannot generate. It is more powerful than a deterministic PDA. So, a push down automata is allowed to be non-deterministic.

Is non-deterministic Turing machine more powerful than deterministic Turing machine?

Is tm more powerful than PDA?

If you only consider that ‘Turing machines can always be made to behave like a stack’ you can only conclude that they are at least as powerful as pushdown automata. But in general, yes it is true, Turing machines are more powerful than PDAs.

Which is more powerful PDA or Npda?

Power of NPDA is more than DPDA. It is not possible to convert every NPDA to corresponding DPDA. Language accepted by DPDA is subset of language accepted by NPDA.