
Which is the best Orthopaedic doctor in India?

Which is the best Orthopaedic doctor in India?

List of TOP 10 Orthopedic Surgeons of India:

  • Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni.
  • Dr. Ashok Rajgopal.
  • Dr. Rakesh Mahajan.
  • Dr. IPS Oberoi.
  • Dr. Pradeep Sharma.
  • Dr. Gyan Sagar Tucker.
  • Dr. Vikram I Shah.
  • Dr. B K Singh.

What is orthopedic surgery called?

Orthopedic surgery, or orthopedics, focuses on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. That includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and even the skin.

Who is the best orthopedic surgeon in Hyderabad for joint replacement?

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan is one of the best orthopedist in Hyderabad with an experience of 19 years as orthopedic surgeon and joint replacement and spine surgeon in Attapur, Hyderabad. He has done Masters that is M.S (Orthopaedics) from Osmania University, Hyderabad and M.Ch Orthopedics from Usaim, Seychelles.

Who is the best orthopedic surgeon in Madhapur?

Practising in Medicover Hospitals, Madhapur, Dr. Rao is one of the most recognized practitioners in the city. He is a fellow of Spinal Surgery at GICD, France and a scholarship orthopaedic and spine surgeon with the Scoliosis research society, France.

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What is an orthopaedic doctor called?

Orthopaedics is a specialised branch of medicine that deals with the health of bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. An orthopaedic doctor or surgeon is the one who is specialised in treating conditions related to the bones and joints that are essential to help us move easily in our everyday lives.

Why choose Gurava Reddy orthopedics?

Dr. A. V. Gurava Reddy has extensive replacement surgery experience. His knowledge and team of experts are one of the most efficient in South Asia. He has been practising around Asia and the United Kingdom in many capacities. His long and successful career has inspired orthopaedics internationally.