
Which is the least used programming language?

Which is the least used programming language?

The Most Disliked Programming Languages:

  • VBA – 75.2\%
  • Objective-C – 68.7\%
  • Assembly – 64.4\%
  • C – 57.5\%
  • PHP – 54.2\%
  • Erlang – 52.6\%
  • Ruby – 49.7\%
  • R – 48.3\%

Which programming language is least secure?

A new report examining the security of programming languages has found that almost 50\% of all the vulnerabilities discovered in open source projects since 2009 were coded in C.

Which programming language is very difficult to learn?

1. Malbolge. It was created by Ben Olmstead in 1998, and considered to be one of the hardest programming language. After invention of this language, it took almost 2 years to write first program using it.

Why does JavaScript get so much hate?

The main reason that JavaScript is hated, in my opinion, is that in many cases, developers are forced to use it. Nobody likes to be forced into things, and this is especially true for software developers, who are notoriously independent about the technologies they choose to use.

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What are the best computer programming languages?


  • C
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • What is the easiest programming language to learn?

    1. HTML (13.3\%) HTML was designated both the easiest programming language to learn, and the one that programmers are the most comfortable with, WP Engine found. Created in 1990, this markup language is one of the primary tools for creating standard web pages and applications across any browser.

    What is the strongest programming language?

    java is the strongest programming language………… but it is not fair to say that ,as strength of the language depend upon the implementation environment to which it fits the best. like we have java….i.e more secure and best for networked environment and c……….i.e more suited to system programming(hardware programming)and…

    What is the most in demand programming language?

    Java, JavaScript / MEAN stack, and Python are the most in-demand coding languages across all US cities, Coding Dojo found. Meanwhile, Ruby on Rails—frequently taught at coding bootcamps—barely broke into the top five in only two locations, San Jose and Atlanta.