
Which key is used in the computer take screenshot?

Which key is used in the computer take screenshot?

Take the Screenshot by Pressing the Print Screen key On your desktop or laptop, press the Print Screen button on your keyboard to take a screenshot. You may also take a screenshot using the CTRL + Print Screen shortcut. Windows takes a full-screen screenshot and saves it to the clipboard.

What is the use of the function keys F1 F12?

The function keys or F keys are lined across the top of the keyboard and labeled F1 through F12. These keys act as shortcuts, performing certain functions, like saving files, printing data, or refreshing a page. For example, the F1 key is often used as the default help key in many programs.

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What are the F1 F2 keys in computer?

Here are the most common uses for the F keys in Windows: F1 – Used by programs for opening Help. F2 – Used by Windows for renaming files and folders. Also used by many manufacturers to let you access the BIOS settings when pressed immediately after powering on your computer.

What is F2 key used for?

F2. The F2 key is used to rename a highlighted icon, file or folder across all recent versions of Windows. If you have Microsoft Excel open, it will edit the active cell, while combining it with Alt and Ctrl displays the ‘Open Document’ screen in Microsoft Word.

How do you take a screenshot on the keyboard?

  1. Windows Key + PrtScn: Windows 10 will take a screenshot and save it as a PNG file in the default Pictures folder in File Explorer.
  2. Alt + PrtScn: This is a great option if you just want to take a shot of an individual window on your screen.
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How do you use SS on laptop?

To capture a screenshot on a Windows laptop or desktop computer, press the Print Screen keyboard key (usually abbreviated to Prt Scn or similar). If you only want to grab a screenshot of the active window, press the Alt and Print Screen keys together.

What is F1 function key?

You can choose the mode that you prefer to work in, or you can switch the F LOCK key on and off to access the commands that you use most frequently. The F1 through F12 FUNCTION keys have special alternate commands….More Information.

Enhanced function key What it does
Help F1: Opens the Help system for the active window.

What is function key on keyboard?

(FuNction key) A keyboard modifier key that works like a Shift key to activate a second function on a dual-purpose key. Commonly found on laptop keyboards, the Fn key is used to control hardware functions such as screen brightness and speaker volume. See function key and computer keyboard.

What is the function of F1 on the keyboard?

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F1 – Opens the Help screen for almost every program. F2 – Allows you to rename a selected file or folder. F3 – Opens a search feature for an application that is active at the moment. F4 – Alt + F4 closes the active window.

What is the use of F1 in keyboard?

More Information

Enhanced function key What it does
Help F1: Opens the Help system for the active window.
New F4: Creates a new document in programs that support this command.
Office Home Starts the Web browser and goes to the Microsoft Office Web site. (This is not available on all keyboards.)

What is F1 used for?

How do you Print Screen on 60 keyboard?

Depending on your hardware, you may use the Windows Logo Key + PrtScn button as a shortcut for print screen. If your device does not have the PrtScn button, you may use Fn + Windows logo key + Space Bar to take a screenshot, which can then be printed.