
Which of the following can be done to mitigate the problem of potential vulnerabilities?

Which of the following can be done to mitigate the problem of potential vulnerabilities?

Decrease the number of security vulnerabilities in the software, and reduce costs by eliminating vulnerabilities during source code creation. Follow all secure coding practices appropriate to the development languages and environment. Validate all untrusted input, and validate and properly encode all output.

Can API’s be hacked?

API Exposure This may be achieved through a variety of methods, including: Forced browsing: If you are lucky, an API that is intended for internal use may be accidentally exposed to the internet, either through a misconfiguration or just because it was assumed that nobody would be able to find it.

What are the things you would do or avoid doing for improving security of a web application please list top 5 most important things for you?

Top 10 Tips to Improve Web Application Security

  • Create an inventory.
  • Develop cyber security best practices.
  • Be meticulous with access rights and credentials.
  • Employ professional (white hat) hackers.
  • Backup, backup, backup.
  • Review security measures regularly.
  • Keep an eye on your vendors.
  • Consider a web application firewall.
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What is API authentication?

The processes of certifying the identity of users trying to access resources on the server and this is what is known as API authentication.

How do I improve app security?

Enforce secure communication

  1. Use implicit intents and non-exported content providers.
  2. Ask for credentials before showing sensitive information.
  3. Apply network security measures.
  4. Use WebView objects carefully.
  5. Use intents to defer permissions.
  6. Share data securely across apps.
  7. Store private data within internal storage.

How do UAF exploits work?

Use-After-Free (UAF) is a vulnerability related to incorrect use of dynamic memory during program operation. If after freeing a memory location, a program does not clear the pointer to that memory, an attacker can use the error to hack the program.