
Which of the following is disadvantage of mix design?

Which of the following is disadvantage of mix design?

Disadvantages of Concrete Mix Design: It requires a high initial cost. Also, require skilled labor. Also, requires specific attention.

What are the requirements of concrete mix design?

For the design of concrete mix, the following information is required:

  • Grade of concrete.
  • Degree of workability.
  • Maximum temperature of fresh concrete.
  • Type of cement.
  • Minimum cement content.
  • Maximum water cement ratio.
  • Type of aggregates.
  • Maximum nominal size of aggregate.

What are the factors affecting concrete mix design?

The various factors affecting the choice of concrete mix design are:

  • Compressive strength of concrete.
  • Workability of concrete.
  • Durability of concrete.
  • Maximum nominal size of aggregate.
  • Grading and type of aggregate.
  • Quality Control at site.
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What are the different methods of concrete mix design?

Methods of Concrete Mix Design: 5 Methods | Concrete Technology

  • American Method of Mix Design:
  • Graphic Method of Mix Design:
  • Mix Design by Indian Standard Method:
  • American Concrete Institute Method of Mix Design:
  • Rapid Method of Mix Design:

What is concrete mix used for?

Types of Concrete Mix for Any Project. Concrete is a common material used in a wide range of construction projects. It is used in setting fence posts, pouring driveways and even laying the foundation for a home.

How can you improve the concrete mix design?

Adding a water reducer allows you to keep a constant water/cement ratio for a smaller cement ratio with compromising the strength and increasing the workability. Air-entrained admixtures can be very useful when trying to increase the durability and workability of a concrete mix.

What is the difference between nominal mix and design mix?

The nominal mix is site-level mixing small concrete mixer can be used to mix the ingredients. Whereas the design mix is designed from ready mix concrete plant that is RMC plant.

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Why is concrete mixing time important?

It is important to know the minimum mixing time necessary to produce a concrete of uniform composition, and of reliable strength. The mixing time or period should be measured from time all the cementing materials and aggregates are in mixer drum till taking out the concrete.