
Which of the following is the method of construction of cement concrete road?

Which of the following is the method of construction of cement concrete road?

(1) Alternate bay method. (2) Continuous construction method. Explanation: (1) Alternate bay method: In this method of construction, bays or slabs are constructed in alternate succession (ABCE), leaving the intermediate bays (A’B’C’D’) as shown in figure.

Which of the following is the correct order of stages of estimation of concrete roads?

Which of the following is the correct order of stages of estimation of concrete roads? Explanation: The correct order of stages of estimation of concrete roads is earth work excavations, cement concrete for the base course (1:4:8) and cement concrete for wearing course (1:2:8).

Why is cement used in road construction?

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Advantages of cement concrete roads: It has good visibility at night due to colour contrast. It has low cost of maintenance. It has low tractive resistance which diminishes the cost of running of vehicles. It has more useful life than road of any other -type of construction.

What is site order book in construction?

Explanation. Every worksite should have a site order book in the prescribed format so as to record the comments of the higher official while inspecting the work. The Measurement Book is the basis of all accounts of measured work and of materials received which have to be measured.

What is the quantity of cement?

Thus, the quantity of cement required for 1 cubic meter of concrete = 0.98/0.1345 = 7.29 bags of cement. The quantities of materials for 1 m3 of concrete production can be calculated as follows: The weight of cement required = 7.29 x 50 = 364.5 kg. Weight of fine aggregate (sand) = 1.5 x 364.5 = 546.75 kg.

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What is PQC process?

Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) is cement concrete made with large size aggregates in accordance with IRC specifications and laid over a dry lean concrete sub-base. This construction is used specifically for highway concrete pavements and for airport runway pavements as it can take heavy loads.