
Which of these instructions can be used for masking of interrupts?

Which of these instructions can be used for masking of interrupts?

Disable Interrupt (DI) – This instruction is used to reset the value of enable flip-flop hence disabling all the interrupts. No flags are affected by this instruction.

Which of the following instruction is used to mask the interrupt RST7 5?

Read Interrupt Mask
In 8085 Instruction set, Read Interrupt Mask. It is a 1-Byte multi-purpose instruction. It is used for the following purposes. To check whether RST7….RIM instruction in 8085.

Bit No. Purpose
Bit 2: This is mask RST7.5 (M7.5) bit. If M7.5 = 1, it means that RST 7.5 interrupt has been masked. If M7.5 = 0, RST7.5 interrupt is unmasked.
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How can we mask a single interrupt source?

An interrupt source that is “masked” will not trigger an external interrupt signal to the processor when the source bit is set. Masking can be done by setting an interrupt mask bit high. Note that mask bits are different from an enable bits.

Which of the following interrupt can not be masked using SIM instruction?

TRAP and INTR cannot be masked or unmasked using SIM. TRAP is not allowed to be masked because it is the highest priority un-maskable interrupt. INTR does do not need the facility of masking because it is the lowest priority interrupt.

Which instruction is not masking and masking of interrupt instruction?

If MSE bit = 0, SIM instruction is not being used for masking or unmasking of interrupts. In such a case, the LS 3bits of the Accumulator are not having any useful information. If MSE bit = 1, the SIM instruction is used for masking or unmasking of interrupts.

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Which instructions are used to enable or disable maskable interrupts?

The “di instruction” and “ei instruction” of the assembler instruction can be used to disable an interrupt locally in a function described in C language. However, the CC-RH has functions that can control the interrupts in a C language source. Disables the acceptance of all maskable interrupts.

What is RIM instruction function?

To get the status information about the interrupt system, RIM instruction provides status information about interrupt system and this instruction can be used for serial input of data. Through this RIM instruction, 8085 can know which interrupt is masked or unmasked, etc.

Which register is used to mask all interrupts?

The interrupt mask register (INTM) is checked to be sure that the interrupt is not masked. The interrupt flag register (IFR) corresponding to the flag is cleared.

Which instruction can be used to selectively clear the bits of accumulator?

SUB A is another one-byte instruction. It subtracts accumulator value from the accumulator. The XRA A and SUB A both are one-byte instruction, but as XRA A is logical, it performs faster than the other. So XRA A is best for clearing/resetting Accumulator content than other three instructions.

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Which instruction is used for masking?

SIM instruction
If MSE bit = 1, the SIM instruction is used for masking or unmasking of interrupts. Then the LS 3 bits provide information about masking or unmasking of interrupts….SIM instruction in 8085.

Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) Bytes
SIM 30 1

Which of the following instruction is used for masking and masking purpose?

Masking of interrupts: Only the LS 4 bits of the accumulator are used for masking or unmasking of interrupts. In 8085 Instruction set, RIM stands for “Read Interrupt Mask”. It is a 1-Byte multi-purpose instruction. It is used for the following purposes….SIM and RIM instructions in 8085.

Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) Bytes
RIM 20 1