
Which Pokemon has highest attack in Pokemon go?

Which Pokemon has highest attack in Pokemon go?

# Pokémon Attack
1 Slaking 290
2 Eternatus 278
3 Mewtwo 300
4 Groudon 270

Which Pokemon has the highest attack in sword and shield?

10 Of The Strongest Pokémon Still In Sword And Shield (Based On Their Attack)

  • 8 Gigalith.
  • 7 Wishiwashi.
  • 6 Aegislash.
  • 5 Conkeldurr.
  • 4 Rhyperior.
  • 3 Haxorus.
  • 2 Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode)
  • 1 Zacian (Crowned Sword Form)

What Pokemon has the highest attack and special attack?

The 15 Pokemon With The Highest Special Attack Power

  • 8 Palkia (150)
  • 7 Dialga (150)
  • 6 Blacephalon (151)
  • 5 Mewtwo (154)
  • 4 Calyrex (165)
  • 3 Hoopa (170)
  • 2 Xurkitree (173)
  • 1 Deoxys (180)

Which Pokemon has the highest attack non legendary?

With a special attack stat of 175, Mega Alakazam has the highest special attack of any non-Legendary Pokémon.

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Which Pokemon has highest defense?

13 Pokemon With The Highest Defense

  • 8 Bastiodon.
  • 7 Aggron.
  • 6 Cloyster.
  • 5 Avalugg.
  • 4 Regirock.
  • 3 Steelix.
  • 2 Stakataka.
  • 1 Shuckle.

Does slaking have the highest attack?

Slaking is one of the most powerful defenders in the game, boasting a whopping 5,010 CP with 290 attack, 166 defense, and 284 stamina.

What Pokemon has the highest defense?

What Pokemon is the weakest?

The 20 Weakest Pokemon Of All Time

  1. 1 Geodude. There are all kinds of candidates and descriptors for the weakest Pokemon.
  2. 2 Smeargle. Smeargle deserves at least one mention because, at its core, it’s exceptionally weak compared to nearly every Pokemon.
  3. 3 Wimpod.
  4. 4 Delibird.
  5. 5 Magikarp.
  6. 6 Metapod.
  7. 7 Igglybuff.
  8. 8 Slakoth.

What are the slowest Pokemon?

Shuckle, the turtle Pokemon, is the slowest Pokemon we have seen so far. With a lowly base Speed stat of five, Shuckle is part of a three-way tie for the slowest Pokemon. Instead of relying on its Speed, Shuckle has a remarkably high stat in Defense.

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What’s the most damage a Pokemon can do?

A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters. If used against a level 1 Noibat and being under the effect of Forest’s Curse it can deal 721,899,685 damage with a critical hit.