
Which shade of blue sapphire is the best?

Which shade of blue sapphire is the best?

The best color for a natural blue sapphire is an intense, velvety, deep royal blue. This color of sapphire would be considered AAA quality, the rarest and most valuable. The second best color is a medium rich blue, or AA quality. Any blue sapphires that have a slight gray undertone fit into the A category.

How do you pick a good quality sapphire?

Remember these 4 steps when looking for a good sapphire: choose “juicy”, even color; no glaring inclusions or visible “junk”; a well-proportioned cut appropriate for sapphire; and lastly carat size, which will be determined by your budget.

What color of sapphire is most valuable?

Blue Sapphires
Blue Sapphires Color has the greatest influence on a sapphire’s value, and preferred sapphires have strong to vivid color saturation. The most valued blue sapphires are velvety blue to violetish blue, in medium to medium-dark tones. Sapphires with these qualities command the highest prices per carat.

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What carat blue sapphire should wear?

The ideal weight of the Blue Sapphire neelam stone should be between 4 to 5 carats. Some astrologers also recommend wearers to select a stone size that is 1/5th their body weight.

How can you tell if a blue sapphire is real?

To identify if the sapphire is real, stay in total darkness and use a flashlight to test it. If the stone is genuine, light of the same color as the sapphire is reflected. If it is a fake sapphire jewel (usually made of glass) you will be able to see other colors in the crystal.

What is the least common color of sapphire?

The Rarest Colors Of Natural Sapphires

  • Teal and Mermaid Sapphires:
  • Padparadscha Sapphires:
  • Color Changing Sapphires:
  • Star Sapphires:
  • Cognac sapphires:
  • Pink and Violet sapphires:
  • Cornflower blue sapphire:
  • Yellow and Orange sapphires:

Can I wear blue sapphire in left hand middle finger?

In which and finger should you wear the Blue Sapphire/Neelam stone? Typically, as per Vedic Astrology and the science of Palmistry, the beautiful Blue Sapphire/Neelam gemstone should be worn in the middle finger of either hand.

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Which finger should a lady wear blue sapphire ring?

middle finger
According to astrology Blue Sapphire (Neelam/Nilam/Nelam) should be worn on middle finger (biggest finger) of your working hand. The Gemstone in ring softly touches your finger from back to have the best positive effect to the gemstone.

How can you tell if a sapphire is natural or synthetic?

Check for small flaws or specks within the stone. These are an indication that your stone is real. Lab-created sapphires are generally flawless in their composition. The inclusions cannot be replicated in a lab so if your stone is flawless, there’s a high chance it is synthetic.