
Which traffic rules should we follow?

Which traffic rules should we follow?

Never Drink & Drive.

  • Always Wear Seat Belt.
  • Keep a Safe Distance from the vehicle ahead.
  • Always Avoid Distractions.
  • Never Break Red Signal.
  • Always Drive Within Speed Limit.
  • Avoid the Drowsiness While Driving.
  • Watch Out For Drivers On the Road.
  • What suggestions do you have to make Indian road safer?

    How to drive safe on Indian roads

    • Wear your seatbelts.
    • Follow the right of way rules.
    • Manage your time wisely.
    • Follow the traffic light.
    • Limit the honking.
    • Maintain your vehicle.
    • Get the right features in your vehicle.
    • Get a Comprehensive car insurance policy.

    Do people drive well in India?

    In India, hightways are reasonably good, town roads are ok, cars are very good but the people behind the wheel are not with good attitude. Traffic rules are actually safety margins to keep people away from accidents and injuries. Indians do not believe in that.

    What is the new traffic rules in India?

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    Traffic Fines for Violations (From Sep 2019)

    Offence New Penalty (From September 2019) Old Penalty
    Road Rules Violation Rs.500 to Rs.1,000 Nil
    Travel without ticket Rs.500 Rs.200
    Disobeying orders of Authorities/Refusing to Share Demanded Information Rs.2,000 Rs.500
    Driving an Unauthorized Vehicle without License Rs.5,000 Rs.1,000

    What are the traffic rules we follow in India?

    7 Most Important Traffic Rules to follow in India

    1. Do Not Drink and Drive.
    2. Always Own Valid Car Insurance Policy.
    3. Wear your seatbelt while Driving a Car.
    4. Riding a Two-Wheeler without a Helmet On.
    5. Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.
    6. Over Speeding.
    7. Jumping the Red Light.