
Who actually killed the Comedian?

Who actually killed the Comedian?

Fellow vigilante Edward Blake, a.k.a. the Comedian, stumbled upon Veidt’s plans. This led Veidt to personally murder the Comedian, setting off the chain of events told in the story of Watchmen.

What happened at the end of Watchmen graphic novel?

The original ending to Watchmen depicts Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias confronted in his Antarctic palace, Karnak, by Nite Owl, Rorschach, Silk Spectre and Dr. Manhattan. There he reveals his grand plan to save humanity from the mutually assured destruction of the Cold War.

Did the Comedian have powers?

The Comedian (Edward Morgan Blake) is a fictional character who first debuted in the graphic novel limited series Watchmen, published DC Comics. The Comedian was created by writer Alan Moore with artist Dave Gibbons….Comedian (character)

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The Comedian
Abilities Peak human conditioning Expert hand-to-hand combat Firearms Espionage

Is Rorschach a villain?

Rorschach (real name Walter Joseph Kovacs) is a fictional comic book character and the main anti-heroic protagonist of the acclaimed 1986 DC Comics miniseries Watchmen and the movie of the same name.

Who killed the Minutemen?

In 2240, the Castle was partly destroyed by gigantic Mirelurk, and most of the Minutemen leadership died.”

How is Watchmen movie different from comic?

As it was with the setting, Zack Snyder kept the main framework of the comic in his movie, so the main characters are the same; the movie, likewise, focuses on Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandias, Nite Owl II and Slik Spectre II, with the Comedian being a plot trigger.

Are the Watchmen mutants?

Watchmen (Russian: Страж), previously Watchers, are a mutated species of large mammal. They are bigger and generally stronger than an average human or humanimal, have a dark tail, and are covered with dark-grey fur.