
Who has the best batting average in Major League Baseball?

Who has the best batting average in Major League Baseball?

Outfielder Ty Cobb
Outfielder Ty Cobb, whose career ended in 1928, has the highest batting average in Major League Baseball (MLB) history. He batted . 366 over 24 seasons, mostly with the Detroit Tigers.

Who has the best on base percentage of all time?

Ted Williams

Rank Player OBP
1 Ted Williams * .4817
2 Babe Ruth * .4739
3 John McGraw * .4657
4 Billy Hamilton * .4552

What is the highest batting average of all time?

Career Leaders & Records for Batting Average

Rank Player (yrs, age) Batting Average
1. Ty Cobb+ (24) .3662
2. Oscar Charleston+ (18) .3643
3. Rogers Hornsby+ (23) .3585
4. Shoeless Joe Jackson (13) .3558
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What batting average is the Mendoza Line?

.200 batting average
Definition. The “Mendoza Line” is a . 200 batting average.

Who has a 1000 on base percentage?

Career Leaders for On Base Percentage

On Base Percentage All Time Leaders ‘Top 1,000’
Name OBP (Raw) Rank
Ted Williams .482 (.4817) 1
Babe Ruth .474 (.4739) 2
John McGraw .465 (.4655) 3

What’s a good on base percentage?

On base percentage is typically judged about 60 points higher than batting average. A good average in baseball is . 300 in the MLB, so a good OBP in the MLB would be . 360….What is a Good OBP in Baseball?

Rating OBP (On Base Percentage)
Great .370
Above Average .360
Average .320
Below Average .310