
Who is the lunatic in Catcher in the Rye?

Who is the lunatic in Catcher in the Rye?

By “that lunatic,” Holden refers to a man Jesus meets in Mark 5: 1–20. Although people tried to restrain the man in chains, he broke free. Only Jesus was able to cure the lunatic of his madness. Holden, who is also a self-destructive outcast, clearly identifies with the lunatic.

Who betrayed Holden in Catcher in the Rye?

Stradlater betrays Holden by dating his best friend, Jane, whom Holden also had a crush on. When Holden returns home to see Phoebe, she is disappointed in him that he failed out of Pency. He thinks that she should accept him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed.

Why is Holden his own worst enemy?

Holden’s Judgmental Cynicism So while Holden sees everyone else as the antagonist, we as the reader can see that Holden himself is his own antagonizing force. He chooses to judge everyone he meets, he chooses to alienate, and he chooses to be alone. When you look at it this way, Holden is his own worst enemy.

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Who is the hero in Catcher in the Rye?

Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield is the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye. He is also the novel’s narrator, which means that he tells his coming-of-age story from his own perspective.

Why does Maurice Punch Holden?

Hesitant at first, Holden agrees, though he doesn’t actually have sex with the prostitute, Sunny, when she arrives. When he refuses, she leaves, but she returns shortly thereafter with Maurice, who punches Holden in the stomach because he calls him a “moron,” at which point Sunny takes the extra $5 from his wallet.

Who is Lillian Simmons?

Lillian Simmons, who used to date D.B., comes by Holden’s table with her date, a Navy officer. She is annoying in a bubbly, phony way that Holden finds particularly irritating. The only real thing about her may be her “very big knockers.” She loves to be noticed.

Does Holden suicide?

Holden does not kill himself in the novel but definitely mentions suicide several times as his mental struggle plays out in the story.

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How does Holden treat the nuns and why?

What is the point that Holden tries to make about people when he elaborates about the suitcases of the nuns and of his former roommate? How does Holden treat the nuns? Holden treats the nuns very well and even gives them a donation that they don’t ask for. You just studied 41 terms!

Why is Holden Judgemental?

Holden’s critique of others is a defense mechanism based on fear because he feels judged by the adult world that surrounds him; he in turn pushes his feelings upon other people to justify his own thoughts, hiding behind a “phony” exterior that he has created to deflect the criticism he feels from others.

Is Holden a hero or an anti hero?

Holden Caulfield, the main character and narrator of The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, is another anti hero. He is a perpetual liar. He openly admits to being a coward and being weak.

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Why is Holden an antihero?

In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is considered an anti-hero. Characteristics: Holden is an anti-hero because he is a perpetual liar, he frequently judges and finds fault with others, and he fails to follow through with any plans.