
Who is Tom Sawyer and what did he do?

Who is Tom Sawyer and what did he do?

An imaginative and mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother, Sid, in the Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. After playing hooky from school on Friday and dirtying his clothes in a fight, Tom is made to whitewash the fence as punishment on Saturday.

Who is Tom Sawyer in Huckleberry Finn?

Tom Sawyer is Huck’s good friend, introduced in a previous book by Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. And he is—well, he’s basically like any pre-teen kid who spends his time reading adventure novels or too many comic books. He’s imaginative, mischievous, and totally, hilariously, impractical.

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What kind of person is Tom Sawyer?

mischievous boy
Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience.

Is the story of Tom Sawyer true?

Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a fictional story about a mischievous young boy named Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn. Although the story is fictional (which means it is not true), it is said that Twain based the character of Tom Sawyer on a real man named Sawyer he knew.

How was Tom Sawyer clever?

Tom is very clever because he avoids lying to his aunt; instead he merely states that the fence is all finished. He does not say that he painted the fence himself, nor does he let on that others did the work for him.

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What is the purpose of Tom Sawyer?

Mr. Twain wrote the book for all of us: Of course, I think Mark Twain says it the best, “Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, part of my plan has been to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and what they felt and thought.”

What is good in Tom Sawyer?

Tom is so very good at his art of persuasion that the boys do the work AND give up their biggest treasures to do so. Aunt Polly is so pleased with Tom’s “work” on the fence, that she rewards Tom!

Who was Tom in the enemy?

Tom is a teenage American prisoner of war who was captured and tortured by the Japanese but somehow escaped. He washes up on the beach near Dr.

Why did Tom get sick?

Wishing he could escape the “captivity and fetters” of school, Tom wishes that he were sick so that he could remain at home. After considering the possible ailments he could claim to have, Tom settles on his sore toe.

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Was Huckleberry Finn based on a real person?

Twain based Huckleberry Finn on a real person. Huck Finn made his literary debut in Twain’s 1876 novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” appearing as Sawyer’s sidekick. The model for Huck Finn was Tom Blankenship, a boy four years older than Twain who he knew growing up in Hannibal.