
Who played young Dr Pym in endgame?

Who played young Dr Pym in endgame?

John Michael Morris portrayed Young Hank Pym in Avengers: Endgame.

How did they make Hank Pym look young in endgame?

“To sell the effect you have to look at the way [the face] looks in motion.” To do that, Lola VFX added fat to the cheeks of Douglas, shrunk his ears and nose, and added some shine to his face. And with that, Douglas appears 25 years younger, making the 1989 scene in Ant-Man possible.

Who played teenage Scott in endgame?

Jackson A. Dunn
Jackson A. Dunn portrayed Scott Lang (12 Y.O.) in Avengers: Endgame.

Who plays Hank Pym in the Avengers game?

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Danny Jacobs is the voice of Hank Pym in Avengers.

How did they make Michael Douglas look young in endgame?

Because on set, you have a helmet cam. Basically, Mark will wear a motion capture suit with the little balls on it, and he’ll have a helmet on that has a little camera pointed at his face, and then we’d dot his face.

How did they make Captain America look old?

Make-up was instead used to alter Chris Evans’s appearance In the finished film, the elderly version of Steve Rogers is portrayed by Evans, with the application of heavy make-up and CGI.

How Old Is Jackson a Dunn?

18 years (December 9, 2003)
Jackson A. Dunn/Age

How old was Michael Douglas when he did Ant-Man?

An official-looking meeting in a big expansive room, filled with faces we’ve seen from other Marvel movies, is suddenly joined by what must be a ghost. It’s Michael Douglas, but not the goateed, 70-year-old Michael Douglas cast in Ant-Man.

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How old was Michael Douglas when he made Ant-Man?

For the 1980s flashback scenes, de-aging VFX were used on the 70-year-old Michael Douglas and the 57-year-old Martin Donovan to make them appear younger, and aging VFX were combined with the wig and make-up 33-year old Hayley Atwell wore to make her appear older.