
Who was the rat that saved Ant-Man?

Who was the rat that saved Ant-Man?

A new piece of fan art imagines The Suicide Squad’s Sebastian as the rat who saves Ant-Man from the Quantum Realm in Avengers: Endgame.

Did a rat saved Endgame?

Ant-Man being saved by a rat in Endgame was a surprisingly simple way to bring Ant-Man out of the Quantum Realm, one that was fitting for the quirky hero. While Tony Stark was given a spectacle when Captain Marvel appeared in space, Scott Lang got a decidedly more toned down entrance.

Did a rat bring Scott Lang back?

The neighbour’s cat he should have eaten killed the rat that brought Scott Lang back from the Quantum Realm.” Marvel fans will remember that in Avengers Endgame, the superheroes went on the Time Heist after a rat accidentally walked on the controls on the Quantum Realm machine van, freeing Scott Lang.

Was the rat in Endgame real?

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A recent interview with Wired has revealed that, contrary to what you might think, the rat was 100\% real. And, it was a professional rat, too. A trained one! Visual effects producer Jen Underdahl told Wired that a bet was made between VFX artists.

Is the rat Real in Suicide Squad?

While many of the creatures are CGI, the one that’s always perched on Ratcatcher 2’s shoulder, Sebastian, was an actual rat actor—in fact, one of three real-life creatures named Jaws, Squeaky, and Crisp Ratt (Gunn’s nod to Marvel universe star Chris Pratt).

Who brought back Ant-Man?

For Lang’s luck, however, a rat happened to sniff around the truck, accidentally setting the controls to bring him back, causing Lang to be shot from the truck to a bunch of garbage, bringing him back to reality. Five years had passed, but for Lang, it had only been five hours.

How did Ant-Man save the universe?

In broad terms, that is how Ant-Man saves the universe: By going into the quantum realm with Captain Marvel, where all time is irrelevant, and traveling back through time to save them and preventing Thanos from getting the stones in the first place.

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Why did Thanos really lose?

But in Endgame, he was threatened, and wanted revenge from the Avengers. Thor was the one to slice his head off, and he was the one who got the biggest beat down at the hands of Thanos. This rage, along with his arrogance is what made him lose.

Who saved the Marvel Universe?

While Thanos will always be one of the most monstrous beings in all of comics, in Infinity Finale, he saved the Marvel Universe and everyone in it, proving to be a hero during the end of times.

What is Sebastian the rat wearing?

Sebastian is the companion of Ratcatcher 2, aka Cleo Cazo (Daniela Melchior). Unlike the rest of the rats she commands with the devices built by her father, Sebastian wears a little harness and what looks like a backpack.

Is Rick’s flag dead?

Hawk was rescued, but every member of the team BUT Flag was killed on the mission (and one of the villains who was killed briefly took control of Flag’s mind and, in the final moments of the story, killed the team member who had killed him earlier in the issue).

Why did Ant-Man get Saved by a rat in Endgame?

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Ant-Man being saved by a rat in Endgame was a surprisingly simple way to bring Ant-Man out of the Quantum Realm, one that was fitting for the quirky hero. While Tony Stark was given a spectacle when Captain Marvel appeared in space, Scott Lang got a decidedly more toned down entrance.

Is Scott Lang’s rat in Ant-Man’s first movie?

Scott was trapped in the Quantum Realm for a whopping five years, before a rat freed him. Now one Marvel fan thinks he spotted the same heroic rodent in another movie, Scott Lang’s debut Ant-Man. Check it out below.

Is Scott Lang in endgame or Ant-Man?

And while the directors and writers of Endgame weren’t involved in the production of the Ant-Man movies, Scott Lang and his supporting characters did become a huge part of the narrative for the fourth Avengers flick.

Is Ant-Man freed from the quantum realm?

Thanks to the curious rodent, Ant-Man is freed from the Quantum Realm and makes it possible for him to present this option to the other heroes. Learn more about the surprising hero of the movie in the video at the top of this post.