
Why acceleration due to gravity is more at poles than at equator?

Why acceleration due to gravity is more at poles than at equator?

It is frequently stated that the value of the acceleration due to gravity at the pole is larger than at the equator because the poles are closer to the center of the earth due to the earth’s oblateness. The measured value is larger because the earth’s density is not uniform but increases toward the center.

Why gravitational force is more at poles and less at equator?

The centrifugal “force” cancels out the gravitational force minimally, more so at the equator than at the poles. The poles are closer to the center due to the equatorial bulge, and thus have a stronger gravitational field.

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How is the acceleration due to gravity at North Pole and South Pole different from that at equator?

Using Newton’s law of gravity, we find that the force of earth’s gravity on your body at the equator is 9.798 m/s2 times the mass of your body, whereas at the poles it is 9.863 m/s2 times the mass of your body. The earth’s centrifugal force also varies with latitude.

Why is gravity stronger at the North Pole?

The Earth’s rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. As a result, the surface gravity at the poles is slightly greater because the surface, at the poles, is closer to the center of mass of the Earth. As we know that the earth is not perfectly spherical in shape the radius at pole is less than that at the equator.

What is the acceleration due to gravity at the equator?

In combination, the equatorial bulge and the effects of the surface centrifugal force due to rotation mean that sea-level gravity increases from about 9.780 m/s2 at the Equator to about 9.832 m/s2 at the poles, so an object will weigh approximately 0.5\% more at the poles than at the Equator.

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Is the higher at the equator than at Pole?

The Earth has a rather slight equatorial bulge: it is about 43 km (27 mi) wider at the equator than pole-to-pole, a difference which is close to 1/300 of the diameter.

Is gravity less at the North Pole?

The effective acceleration of gravity at the poles is 980.665 cm/sec/sec while at the equator it is 3.39 cm/sec/sec less due to the centrifugal force. If you weighed 100 pounds at the north pole on a spring scale, at the equator you would weigh 99.65 pounds, or 5.5 ounces less.

Is gravity stronger at the north or south pole?

How is the acceleration due to gravity at North pole and South pole different from that at equator?

When you move from equator to pole the value of acceleration due to gravity is?

Answer Expert Verified The acceleration due to gravity at the equator is 9.78 m/s2, whereas the acceleration due to gravity at the poles is 9.83 m/s2.