
Why am I getting a busy signal when calling someone?

Why am I getting a busy signal when calling someone?

If you get a busy signal or fast busy signal before your call is dropped, it’s possible your number is blocked through their wireless carrier. To verify, call someone else — particularly if they have the same carrier as the person you’re trying to reach — and see if the call goes through.

Why does my phone say network busy when I call?

If you get a ‘network busy’ error message, this means there’s a high volume of use on the network. A typical reason could be that there’s a major event going on in your area, perhaps a concert or a football match.

What does a busy signal mean in 2021?

A busy signal (or busy tone or engaged tone) in telephony is an audible call-progress tone or audible signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection of that particular telephone call. …

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How do I fix network busy?

Other Ways to Fix the “All Circuits Are Busy” Error

  1. Restart your phone. Perhaps the easiest way to deal with an all circuits are busy error is to restart your phone.
  2. Remove and reinstall your sim card. Removing and reinstalling your sim can also help restore network coverage.
  3. Use a different phone or number.

How do I fix line busy?

The most common reasons are the flight mode, call barring, call forwarding or call auto-reject.

  1. Check Airplane or Flight mode on Android and iPhone.
  2. Turn off call barring.
  3. Turn off call forwarding.
  4. Check the Do Not Disturb (DND) settings.
  5. Check the auto-reject settings.
  6. Check the ‘Display over other apps’ settings.

How do I get rid of busy tone for outgoing calls?


  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Tap the 3 stacked dots in the upper-right.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Scroll down and tap Supplementary services.
  5. Tap Show my caller ID.
  6. Set to Network Default.