
Why am I not getting any responses on OkCupid?

Why am I not getting any responses on OkCupid?

When you aren’t getting replies, it is probably because the person has chosen to block you rather than talking to you. You can block someone on OkCupid by tapping on the three dots on the right side of their profile and clicking “block.”

What happened to my messages on OkCupid?

Sometimes we put messages on hold while our admins review profiles/messages to make sure that they’re being sent from a legitimate human account. When that happens, we release the messages as soon as our team determines they’re legitimate; at that point.

Can you message on OkCupid without paying?

Accounts on OkCupid are entirely free, forever, but we do have a few paid feature offerings. Messaging on OkCupid is completely free. Once you and someone else Like each other, you can send each other messages from your messaging page.

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Why is my OkCupid empty?

I got a notification that I received an Intro, but my Intros tab is empty! That means the Intro is no longer on OkCupid OR that you have passed on the profile that sent you the intro.

How many messages can you have on OkCupid?

Visit their profile and send a message Please note: You can only send one initial message, so make it a good one! If the other person hasn’t liked you yet, you won’t see their profile (or your sent message) until they like you back.

How do you know if you’re blocked on OkCupid?

This will do the same thing. We do not tell someone that you have blocked or unmatched with them- you simply disappear everywhere for them, including any conversations you may have had with them. In order to view OkCupid profiles, you must be a logged-in OkCupid member.

How do you know if you’ve been unmatched on OkCupid?

You can view your blocked/unmatched users on the app by tapping on your profile, then on Account Settings. From there, tap on Privacy, then on Blocked & Unmatched.