
Why are blue stars smaller than red stars?

Why are blue stars smaller than red stars?

Apart from the temperature and brightness, the colour also usually —with the same qualification— indicates the size of a star: the hottest and most energetic blue stars are usually bigger and the red ones smaller.

Why are these giant stars the color red?

A red giant is a star that has exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core and has begun thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in a shell surrounding the core. They have radii tens to hundreds of times larger than that of the Sun. However, their outer envelope is lower in temperature, giving them a reddish-orange hue.

Why is a blue giant star blue?

In the simplest case, a hot luminous star begins to expand as its core hydrogen is exhausted, and first becomes a blue subgiant then a blue giant, becoming both cooler and more luminous. Intermediate-mass stars will continue to expand and cool until they become red giants.

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Are red stars bigger than white stars?

Red dwarfs are one of the most common stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Larger than white and brown dwarfs but smaller than yellow dwarfs, like our sun. The closest star to earth, called Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf.

Are blue stars bigger than white stars?

They live very active short lives and die young usually in a massive explosion called a Super Nova. White to blue-white stars are bigger, more powerful and hotter than our Sun with surface temperatures up to 12,000ºC and generally live longer than blue stars but not as long as our Sun will.

What is the Colour of giant?

Explanation: Man sequence stars have high surface temperatures and generally appear white as they radiate at most visible wavelengths. Red giants are very large but their surface temperate is lower at below 5,000K which makes them look orange to red depending upon temperature.

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Why are bigger stars bluer?

Blue stars are made of the same stuff as all the other stars in the Universe; they’re about 75\% hydrogen and 24\% helium with trace amounts of other elements. So what makes a blue star… The color of a star comes from its temperature. The coolest stars appear red, while the hottest stars are blue.

How are red giants and blue giants similar?

A blue giant is just a high mass star (10+ solar masses). When the stars core burns its hydrogen into helium both high mass and low mass stars turn into red giants. But, a high mass stars red giant phases are much larger earning them the name “supergiants.”

Why do all stars appear the same size?

When you gaze at the constellations, every star produces an image that’s the same size, but your retina isn’t sensitive enough to respond to the outer parts of those images except for the brighter stars — which therefore look bigger than the fainter ones.