
Why are Kodavas allowed to carry guns?

Why are Kodavas allowed to carry guns?

The British in recognition of their martial traditions granted the community a special privilege to own firearms without a licence in 1861. One cultural reason for giving the exemption was that Kodava homes were far away from each other, in some cases could be as far as a kilometre.

Why are the Kodavas permitted to carry firearms without a license?

It means the recipient of the maximum number of medals. 2. The Kodavus carry firearms without a licence because the firearms are a part of their tradition.

Are civilians allowed to have guns in India?

Indian law allows firearm possession on may-issue basis. With approximately five civilian firearms per 100 people, India is the 120th most armed country in the world.

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What special privileges do the Kodavas have?

Answer: The Kodavus, i.e., the Coorgi people enjoy the privilege of carrying firearms without a license.

Can Coorgis carry firearms without license?

Of the 3.8 lakh people living in Kodagu, almost every family possesses a gun, some even ten. The only regulation is that the Kodavas should obtain an exemption certificate from the Government, which gives them the right to possess any gun without a licence.

Who are the only people of India permitted to carry firearms?

The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army, and the first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. Even now, Kodavus are the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

What is the belief regarding the descent of the Coorgis?

Answer: It is believed that the Coorgis have descended from the Arabs. They wear the kuppia that resembles the kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. Some people believe that Coorgis have descended from the Greeks who had stayed back after Alexander’s invasion.

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Do Coorgis celebrate Diwali?

Coorgis, or Kodavas, as the people here are called, don’t worship God, but their ancestors; they don’t worship idols but their weapons; they don’t celebrate Diwali, Eid or Christmas, they celebrate just three festivals, including Huttari (harvest festival); they don’t wear the traditional attire of South India; and …

Why do Kodavas eat pork?

Pork-eating probably has its origins in the martial traditions of the Kodavas who provided India with a string of high-ranking military officers. Of course, hunting now being prohibited and only practised by poachers, most people nowadays eat domesticated pigs.