
Why are siblings different if they are raised in the same household?

Why are siblings different if they are raised in the same household?

Q: Why are siblings so different? First of all, genetics can account for sibling differences. Siblings usually only share 50 percent of the DNA passed down from their parents. Second of all, even if siblings attend the same school, they may hang out in different crowds, which in turn influences their personality.

Why are the children brought up in the same family different from one another in their personality even though they have had the same experiences?

One component, called shared environment, includes all environmental influences that make children in a family similar to one another. Environmental variance not due to shared environment is called nonshared environment; this portion of environmental variance makes family members different from one another.

Why do children who grow up in the same household have different personalities?

“Children grow up in different families because most siblings differ in age, and so the timing with which you go through your family’s [major events] is different,” says Susan McHale, a researcher at Pennsylvania State University.

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Why are all children of the same parents genetically unique?

The answer has to do with the fact that each parent actually has two different sets of genes. And that each parent passes only half of their genes to their child. And that the half that gets passed down is random. All of this together ensures that each child ends up with a different, unique set of genes.

Why do you think there are similarities and differences between sibling of the same mother and father?

At first it might seem like kids from the same parents should look alike. But brothers and sisters don’t look exactly alike because everyone (including parents) actually has two copies of most of their genes. And these copies can be different. Parents pass one of their two copies of each of their genes to their kids.

Why are my two children so different?

Every person has about 20,000 genes. And many of these genes come in different versions. So for every gene where your dad has two different copies, then you and your brother have a 50-50 shot of getting a different version.

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Why do siblings look different when they have the same parents?

Hence the child gets new chromosomes, the genes in which contain a mix of both their father’s and mother’s genes. This is the reason that siblings from the same parents can sometimes look so dissimilar, because the set of genes in one person can be immensely different from the other, despite having the same parents.