
Why are the cores of large transformers built up of circular cross section?

Why are the cores of large transformers built up of circular cross section?

Due to less diameter of circumcircle, the insulating material required is less. -Length per one turn is less so that amout of copper required for winding can be reduced. -Due to above reasons size, weight and cost of transformer is less with cruciform core.

What is the ideal cross section of core?

The ideal shape of cross-section of a transformer core is circular. For making perfect circular cross section, each and every successive lamination steel sheet should be cut in different dimension and size.

What is the significance of using cruciform in transformer core?

Cruciform shape is used in transformer core to reduce core loss, copper, in the winding, reduce core reluctance, and reduction of iron and copper losses. In a transformer, eddy current losses in the iron core are directly proportional to the core’s thickness.

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What is the principle of operation of a transformer?

Principle – A transformer works on the principle of mutual induction. Mutual induction is the phenomenon by which when the amount of magnetic flux linked with a coil changes, an E.M.F. is induced in the neighboring coil. A transformer is made up of a rectangular iron core.

When stepped core cross section is used?

When is square and stepped cores used? Explanation: Circular coils are required for high voltage distribution and power transformer. When circular coils are required square and stepped cores are used.

How does a transformer transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another?

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy from one circuit to another by magnetic coupling with no moving parts. A transformer comprises two or more coupled windings, or a single tapped winding and, in most cases, a magnetic core to concentrate magnetic flux.

What are the advantages of stepped core cross section in Transformers?

Stepped core reduces the area of the core and more of the limb can be utilized for placing the windings. Thus lesser copper (mean turn wise) will be used and cost will reduce. Hence I2R losses can be reduced.