
Why are they considered a double whammy?

Why are they considered a double whammy?

‘Double whammy’ is often associated with Al Capp’s Li’l Abner cartoon strip, which featured the phrase several times. In that it referred to as an intense stare which had a withering effect on its victims; for example, this piece from Li’l Abner July 1951: “Evil-Eye Fleegle is th’ name, an’ th’ ‘whammy’ is my game.

What do you call a double whammy?

▲ A twofold blow or setback. hex. whammy. jinx.

Is Double Whammy a bad word?

The primary meaning of double whammy is an evil spell or curse more potent than a whammy. The earliest occurrences that I have found indicate that this term originated in boxing.

What’s another word for whammy?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for whammy, like: curse, jinx, spell, supernatural, entendre, charm, evil eye, magic, hex, and null.

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Is whammy good or bad?

It should come from Wham which would imply the impact from a blow. This indicates surprise which could be unpleasant or pleasant. It’s bad news if you’ve shorted the market. Notice how it’s a “whammy of good news”.

Is Double Whammy a good thing?

5 Answers. A whammy is never good. Origin 1940s: from the noun wham + -y1; associated from the 1950s with the cartoon strip Li’l Abner, in which the hillbilly Evil-Eye Fleegle could ‘shoot a whammy’ (to put a curse on somebody) by pointing a finger with one eye open, and a ‘double whammy’ with both eyes open.

What’s the opposite of whammy?

noun. ( ˈwæmi, ˈhwæmi) An evil spell. Antonyms. repel dissuade unattractiveness bless admit communicate unspell.

How do you use double whammy in a sentence?

The cut to transport in a rural area is a double whammy. The regulations are part of a double whammy on students. The second aspect of the double whammy is the well-ventilated increase in fuel tax. It is a double whammy of disincentive and dependency.

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What is opposite of double whammy?

‘ But a more exact opposite to ‘whammy’ would be ‘stroke of luck’ or ‘lucky break’ or maybe even ‘fluke’ in the right context. So the opposite of ‘double whammy’ would be something like ‘two strokes of luck’ or ‘a pair of lucky breaks.

Who first said double whammy?

cartoonist Al Capp
The phrase is thought to have been popularized by cartoonist Al Capp (1909–1979), in his classic comic strip Li’l Abner.

How do you use whammy in a sentence?

Whammy in a Sentence 1. The death of her father and mother within a few days was quite a whammy for Janice. 2. Although she was upset about losing her house, being divorced by her husband made this time a real whammy for Rosa.

Where did the word whammy come from?

The origin of whammy is not entirely certain, but it is assumed to have been created by combining wham (“a solid blow”) with the whimsical -y ending. The first example of whammy in print occurred in 1940, but the word was popularized in the 1950s by the cartoonist Al Capp in the comic strip Li’l Abner.