
Why did Batman let Joker die in Arkham City?

Why did Batman let Joker die in Arkham City?

While in Arkham City, Batman was ambushed by Clayface (disguised as Joker) and knocked out by Harley Quinn. After he woke up, Batman discovered that Joker suffered from a horrible side effect of Titan which gave him a fatal disease that progressively killed him.

Did Batman kill the Joker in Arkham City?

You’re the guy who cremates the Joker. Some background: The Joker dies at the end of the previous game in the “Arkham” chronology, 2011’s “Batman: Arkham City.” It’s not entirely obvious from the story cutscenes in either game, but there are a large number of people who believe Batman killed him (he did not).

Why did Batman revive the Joker?

Batman once resurrected the Joker from the dead in a Lazarus Pit in order to take down Ra’s al Ghul. The magical pit, usually employed by Ra’s al Ghul, brings people back to life or heals them, but often causes temporary insanity to those who are exposed to it.

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What happened to Joker after Arkham Asylum?

Between Arkham Origins and Arkham Asylum Once recaptured, Joker was transferred to the newly re-opened Arkham Asylum. Despite the city’s best efforts he would go on to continually escape, committing crimes and causing chaos until Batman would stop him in what seemed to be a twisted running gag at Gotham’s expense.

How is the Joker dead?

A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight….

Heath Ledger
Died 22 January 2008 (aged 28) New York City, U.S.
Cause of death Acute combined drug intoxication
Resting place Karrakatta Cemetery
Occupation Actor music video director

Does Joker save Batman?

Batman and the Joker have always been somewhat dependent on one another, and that includes Joker having to saved the caped crusader a few times. This being considered, the Joker has actually saved Batman on more than one occasion. If he isn’t the one to put the Bat over the edge, then no one can.